
Sailboats are actually fairly inexpensive for what you get and the engineering that goes into them. Power is what costs a lot, even crappy power (think Mercury engines) cost a fortune. 10 years ago, the difference in a Merc 115 & Merc 135 was $20k. This was on a basic fishing boat. There's cheap boats to be had, even


I mean, to be fair, I am a fucking idiot for wandering into a comment section full of judgmental asshole comments and suggesting that we maybe don't be such judgmental assholes. I don't know what I expected.

Wtf happened here? It's like I'm reading Gawker. How did you manage to tread on these guys' toes with a completely inoffensive post?!

"Have teenagers literally ever in history been humble and sensitive?"

Why can't the simple answer ever be "They're just self absorbed narcissists with the personality of an in-grown toenail?"

I always thought "Pushing Daisies" was quite poignant. The guy can never actually touch his beloved.

Ron Swanson. Manliest of the manly men, yet he is often rendered powerless by women named Tammy.

I dunno...it's a toughy. On the one hand, yes mystical pregnancy is a trope. But on the other hand, are we to steer completely clear of reproduction in sci fi, fantasy and horror?

Not to further ruin your day, but I'm a lawyer who clerked in family court for a judge assigned solely to cases of child abuse and neglect, termination of parental rights, and KLG. We had about 12 to 20 cases. Every day. Every week. In one county. With three other judges assigned to handle the same number of such

No apologies, if my daughter's step dad ever did this to her I'm murdering him. I would surrender to the police immediately afterwards and rightfully be prosecuted because society is supposed to be better than the individual but I would not have regrets.

ESPN Fact Checker: Rick, did your father-in-law really say that quote as you've constructed it?

After having the steak, Rick quoted Bob as saying that his column was "well done".

Which would itself be evidence of opposition to the name among tribal communities, something Reilly claims doesn't exist.

And if neither of them had been legally able to carry a firearm we never would have had this problem in the first place.

The thing is, money, power, and prestige exert plenty of influence over people at the individual level. Coordinated secret conspiracies are usually not necessary to explain such events and phenomena.

There doesn't seem to be any evidence to support the insinuation in the title of the piece. In fact there is no evidence (apart from a possible overheard mention of Edwin Meese - which is not in and of itself evidence of anything) that Regan had any participation at all in the DeLorean story. In addition, Thatcher's

yea, roku has more content (now) but how much of that content do you actually watch? most of it is midless garbage package to either sell something or just not worth even downloading because some other app already does it better.

Substitute SHIT for Channels and your good to go.

Disclaimer: I'm going to discuss porn here. In a thread about porn. Porn.