
I *am* religious and think these questions are non-sense. But since you asked, check out pre-Adamites who vigorously debated the issue.

No, it is not a cop out. That willingness to know what questions to contemplate and what questions not to is part of my belief system. It also recognizes that some questions and answers are beyond my comprehension. It is called faith. I have faith that God has it all lovingly taken care of. And in the Episcopal church

The PROP test confirms what expression of the gene TASR38 one has. It comes in two forms: one that perceives bitter and one that does not. Since we get one gene from our mom and one from our dad, we can get two "bitter" genes (a super taster), one of each (in between), or two non-bitter genes (a non bitter perceiver).

I'm not a super taster (more midrange), but the smell thing I totally get. My husband thinks I'm nuts with the things I complain about smelling, but certain odors make me just wretch.

That's what I was thinking! Who cares? I'm with the mouse .... Run!!!

There are plenty of reasons for keeping a cat indoors, including;

I still occasionally run across business listings that have Thomas Guide coordinates and wonder who still uses them or if they are even published anymore. I'm kind of wishing I had kept my last one as a bit of LA history. Ah well ...

Point 2 is not as clear a point as you make it out to be. Here is an article that discusses the distinction between video game usage, where the speech is purely commercial, and a movie, such as documentary or satire.

(1) I don't believe N. Korea is a signatory to the Berne Convention;

Child safety locks. Yeah, it was a bit embarrassing when the sales associate at Home Depot congratulated me on having kids and I was like, "no, um ... cats." It got very silent and very awkward very fast.

When my cats mean business they barf on me in the middle of the night.

... and chemtrails

And a pit is a pit is a pit (the third one being Daytona Beach itself).

Me too. I had been told this was a learning disability and had to go to after school classes in high school. They never really helped.

Now playing

Devil's Backbone was also brilliant —I really like the horror he writes in the context of historical events.

Now playing

The only movie I've seen where the entire audience jumped out of their seats screaming at the same time. Definitely in my top five favorite horror movies of all time. Even knowing the twist, I still scream when the old lady heads for the wardrobe and the kids pop out and start screaming and lifting the table.

Apparently it can get you high:

Yes, and that Latin word (which can also properly be spelled "prescriptio" in Latin) is, in itself, made of two Latin words, one that means "before" and one that means "to write."

As someone who regularly says it incorrectly (and writes it incorrectly) I think it is my hazy recollection of Latin from middle school that always throws me. "Pre" means "before" and "per" means "by means of." So "by means of written order" seems to make more logical sense than "before writing" (I mean the script is

I actually prefer the bigger ones to the smaller ones — I can see them before I get too close. It's the little hatchlings that freak me. We live on a slab foundation and the army of Long Legs that have taken residence really keep the Argentine ants at bay (they come in looking for water). We also get bushels of brown