Peter Capaldi’s angry Doctor Who has me ready to let go of that show...
Peter Capaldi’s angry Doctor Who has me ready to let go of that show...
Peter Capaldi’s version of the Doctor has me starting down this path...
Gkad I could help facilitate your learning today! It was an easy joke to make, their names are pretty close!
Perhaps at that point you build a space elevator and launch rockets from there?
are you sure you should be trusting science put forth by this guy:
Please let the aliens look like this
Thank you, I’m in the same boat!
Honestly, I hate to be a downer, but I’m getting a little bit of Saga fatigue. The story feels a little directionless. I love the characters, but the journey seems too aimless right now.
I was thinking it would be Rachel’s mom too
I hate that circular.
Where were all these beautiful women 20 years ago when I was there age and liked comics? Women this attractive were not at all into geek culture back then! you youngster have no idea how lucky you are!
I work in corrections, we had to switch hand sanitizers to the alcohol free ones for the same reason (inmates). Also, the alcohol based ones are flammable, which was a safety issue.
I really, really, really wish Dan Didio would stop using Brother Eye/OMACs...
Back when M&M candies trotted out the blue ones, in the late 90’s, there were a slew or rumors that they were bad for you. Now, because of this article, I find myself looking at the history of M&M colors because wikipedia didn’t exist when I was a kid. Thanks Esther!
Personally I think you are on to something about how Ex Machina has no female characters, and it’s a movie about how two men treat women differently. However, I would take it a step further, and say it’s a movie about how two men view the world at large differently. While watching it I thought Nathan was all Id, and…
People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but *actually* from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint - it’s more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly... time-y wimey... stuff
At first i thought this was Olivia Wilde and I thought "AWESOME!"
How is Silver Surfer’s current series not on this list????
At least buy me a drink before you try to move me into other things!