
Where is Red Fang?

I was in the Marines for 6 years and we definitely said affirmative or copy that way more often than we said oorah. Most Marines only use oorah sarcastically or if some stick in the mud dick officer is around that expects it. Sometimes we would shorten it to just 'rah or 'err simply out of laziness, but even then it

"Prove my worth? I don't have my cheque book on me-"

Sooooo we just gonna ignore Luigi in Mario's clothes?

As pioneered by the greatest mind of our era, Arthur Fonzarelli:

Has it been confirmed that Cucco's will attack when slashed multiple times?

Too bad the Doorman was a douche, that guy deserved to get into the party.

Too bad it's a party and not a convention, that guy is an awesome Con Troller.

Now all we need to do is create an HDMI adapter for the N64

Next-gen, ladies and gentlemen.

That is the premise, indeed.

Excuuuuuse me, princess.

I got to use the editing functions at an X1 event and it's actually very easy and smooth. I am a video editor and animator and I can say that it's a very efficient tool for getting those cool small clips shared. In a Q&A they held someone asked about the editor and they said what we get at launch is only a small taste

Well if it saving to SkyDrive (think MS's Dropbox) then you should be able to pick up the file on a computer and use where ever

Ah, the Nokia Hand-Taco. What strange times we lived in.

That thing is so ... white.

Seeing an article about a Valve event without a reference to Half-Life 3 is like seeing a blanket of pristine, undisturbed snow lightly shimmering in the twilight. It's beautiful and rare, but you just want to be the first to ruin it with that first satisfyingly crunchy step.

I kinda prefer "Cucco Revenge Squad".