
Get me he cows that lose their lives for bentleys and et me turn hem into hamburgers! This will make the most happy man on Earth for my humble budget!

Oh wow. Really! Iam excidted, and my pants are bulging. Jaolpnik wank bait! Sorry to be uch an asshole.

Since the German nobility has been stripped of all privilege since 1918 the former titles became part of the family name.

Weber faster One. Bonkers Swiss company aiming at building the fastest road legal car. I tend to call it the Weber Ugly One. It has been around for like three to five years.

They *planned* to build 21. :D

Looks something like the Gillet Vertigo

Panoz Abruzzi! Did it ever make it into production?

What a stupid name. What does it mean anyways? Is it "Overpowered Conqueror of Dunes " in a half- forgotten arabic dialect? "Fat Son of a Whale" in Farsi? "Bloated Behemoth" in ancient Mandarin? Will we ever know, and- do we really?

Honorable mention from the ol´ Continent: Opel GT

This is what a Mercedes could look like if they didn´t prefer to ape Hyundais. I like what I see. Damn- build it already, GM, and hand some of the underpinnings to Europe so Opel and Vauxhall finally get a chance at having a luxury halo model above the Insignia.

Bora. Not.

Mercedes would like a word.

So after a bloatastic Q80 interim concept Infiniti are gradually watering down the charm of their gorgeous Essence concept on their way towards a rather boring production model.

So, off- road capable roadster crossovers seem to be the next big thing. Lotus crossover, Miata crossover, now this.

Evora Rally!

The Silmarillion is the telephone book of middle earth... that should keep jackson busy for a century :D

Oh yeah, the famed "crippled" epic. I bought the cut- into- one version, enjoyed it a lot, yet even this from time to time felt really looong. I figure the whole, uncut thing might make for a nice binge watch weekend. Is it available in long form for western audiences, anyway?!

Eggsy transforms from a Chav into a Chap. Nice one, innit.

The more popularly priced crossovers to me seem to be evolving backwards- into FWD vans, just with fat tyres and a hint of rugged, edgy offroad looks and maybe a bit of fake undercarriage cladding . Ground clearance on those seems to be growing smaller, too.

Fer Chrissakes, BMW, you still hold the rights to the Austin- Healey brand, don´t you. Now make it happen.