
If I had my way, I´d have a Smart Roadster with the respective turbodiesel swapped in for the petrol one. Light weight, aerodynamics and diesel should make it one quirky and economic car.

anyone care to de- grey me, please?

Captain Sisko. He started out as a meek single dad who had to run a lame plot in a wrecked space station AND handle both the funny folk residing there and his teenage son.

Frankly, having read the books, in the latest it ended with a wildfray of new characters, new storylines, leading in each and every direction all over the seven kingdoms, and I sometimes felt like the only recipe GRRM has/ had was shocking the readers with the sudden deaths of well established characters. Everything

Yep. As Teutonian as a Slovenian band can be. :)

I bet The Asylom are just working on it. They did Tianic 2 and several War of the Worlds after all. :)

What if Wikipedia wasn't just a virtual space, but outer space? It would be like any other universe- ever expanding, and filled with wonderful things as well as bitter bckering and bitching. Simple as that. :)

Since Cayman/Boxster is the better chassis and 911 gets the better engines, the ultimate 911 fighter would be a Cayman/Boxster with some more freely breathing 911 engine shoehorned into the engine bay, preferably in a lightweight bare bones/ Boxster Spyder/Clubsport package.

Hey, they raced their hybrid FAPs at LeMans. AND they didn´t come first! Show some respect for the French! :)

The lastest Zagatos were gorgeous. Despite a certain "Missed opportunity for a Lancia grand tourer" air.

Hooray for innovation. I see your Mercedes and raise you a 1986 Renault Espace

Well, Avatar in the story department is far from original and new, but still- it is opera at its best. That´s what I like it for. I want to be entertained by movies. Yes, I am that primitive. If a movie blows me away, and be it by SFX and a booming soundtrack only, I am okay with it.

I know that I kind of miss the mark, but here goes. John Carter. For decades (fucking decades!!!) it went through several hands, even ray Harryhausen´s, but no- one had the funds/ guts/ SFX to pull it off.

Si, Johnny No.5s brother can fly, now? :)

From a German perspective: Poseurs, Pimps, Midlife- Crisis- Sufferers, people working in media, cell phone sales, or advertising, and combinations of the above (unless they prefer riced- up BMWs or Mercs) like ´murican cars, especially Hummers, Vettes, Mustangs and Challengers.

Did anyone have "nepotistic" in his active vocabulary befaur Hating On Smith became widespread ?! Jus´ askin´....

Would you mind de- greying me please? I have neither posted insults or graphic material nor do I plan to do so. Please?

Well, arew e really? Basically we will gladly go and watch every attempt at rehashing/ reviving our favourite tropes/ characters.