
That a Colani GT?

That´s because it looks like a Corvette- based kit car :D

I´d like one of those out front.

Thanks, but I´ll pass. I´d rather have a Panther Westwinds Daytona estate.

The problem with all those resto- moddy thingies is that they invariably use tacky chrome or alloy wheels. Why don´t they spiff up some steelies for modern tyres that accept period- appropriate hubcaps? Had this thing proper W111 hubcaps, it would look half as tacky as it does with those rims.

Now playing

As to cartoon becoming live action: Last year, a German Hip Hop contest spawned Spongebozz Gunshot, representing the Bikini Bottom Mafia and dealing in plankton weed. FWIW.

Ho- hom. If he really wanted to fuse Art Déco styling with a modern approach (modern especially by that time frame´s standards), and celebrate the melding of form and function, he should rather have a go at a retro- futuristic interpretation of the Stout Scarab. Aesthetics, aerodynamics, and an appropriate frame to

I´d use the rotary as a range extender in a hybrid setup. Wankels may lack torque, this is why you have to spin them which in turn makes them guzzle gas like crazy. Keeping it at its most comfortable revs powering a generator might make for a longer engine life, better sound characteristics (as opposed to the bags-

Volkaswagen SP2, Brazilian- built on a Beetle floorpan.

Volkaswagen SP2, Brazilian- built on a Beetle floorpan.

Oh yes, PLEASE! And don´t forget to give the prop designers Peter Connolly´s book! It worked for Alexander (most of the time), so please, pretty please.

Luigi Colani and the eleMMent Palazzo by MarchiMobile laugh at your plebeian propositions.

Yup... and they were assembled in Spain. Most cars assembled in Spain have rust issues.

Missing pedals and hitting things seems to be a special American thing. Anyone remmeber the late 1980s/ early 19902 when Audi lost most of their market share because of the cars suddenly accelerating, crashing through garage walls, into swimming pools and the like?

Right, so Benedict Cumberbatch gave his all to lend his face to animate Smag. Nothing wrong with that, but hey- I am that old that I remember Sean Connery doing MoCap for Draco in 1996s Dragonheart? Alongside a a cast do die for? Anyonme remember this gem?

The Lada Samara T3 would like to have a word.

And perfectly proportioned to be turned into a Corvette bodykit.