

Annnnd a Corvette body kit will hit the market in 3... 2... 1... :D

If you fancy pumping pedals, ride a bicycle, ferfuckssakes!

Masively 1980s are tuning excesses. The realm of testarossafied sportscars has been covered already, but what happened as well was the revival of Gull Wing doors... Bricklin, DeLorean, to name but a few, but there were tons of gullwinged concepts from the 19802, plus countless gullwing conversions. The peak of it all

On a (German, FWIW) TV show they made a turkey Beer Butt Chicken style. They sat a whole turkey on a five litre party keg (basically a five litre can... popular here, are those known elsewhere?). Then they formed a cylinder of chickenwire, clad it in tinfoil, to go over the turkey- onna- keg, and placed the whole

How ´bout some of the smaller displacement cars, after all the overpowered bolides?

The F/X movies were not half bad either... I mean... Bryan Brown, fer chrissakes!

The remakes you mentioned used a well- known title/ character, but the actual mvies were a shiny but hollow display of sheer CGI overkill.

Sea Quest was like a submarine version of Star Trek, spiffy uniforms, well- written characters and all... plus a few cute kids and an also cute dolphin. I´d like some kind of reboot, maybe a little more adult and gritty.

This is why buying and binge- watching boxed seasons are today´s thing. You have too much on your mind in everyday life to keep track with more complex arcs in ever more interesting serials, so you get a bluray box set for the weekend and watch it in one go.

Oh well... at least Lucy Lawless makes good for everything we missed... in Spartacus. :)

Anyone remember this?

Bloody ´ell, give it some proper frogeyes, revive the Austin Healey name, make it a Miata RWD fighter.

The Maybach actually was an S- Class on steroids. And an old one at that. The following S- Class came hard on the Maybach´s heels, included many formerly Maybach- exclusive features making the flagship look old, bloated and overpriced almost overnight.


Oh well, the SL became more and more bloated and moved up into Porsche/ Ferrari spheres, same goes for the formerly small and nimble SLK twhich is upscaling bit byb bit from generation to generation, and I see no end to this development anytime soon.

That you, David Carradine?

Best swordfights? Easy! "The Duelists"