
I think this calls for a new hastag.


Hey Microsoft, you should integrate a 120-word Avatar Ongoings channel. It's completely Twitter/Facebook Social Networking, however with updates about achievements.

I do too. However, i also have a 1.5 year old that sleeps in the same room as the 360. He's a deep sleeper, but loves playing MvC2 (and now a little 3) with Daddy. He's all to familiar with the stick switches clicking. However, i also pulled the stock Sanwa buttons and threw in some Seimitsu Smokes. (instead of

Slightly on topic, i just installed a Spark (optical switches for sanwa sticks) and a Kitty (allows my stick to be used on any system ever via hotswappable cables) so now my TE has NO MORE STICK CLICKS!

Well that led me down a Youtube Rabbit Hole of Firefly/Chuck/Castle/etc videos. So long, Making Good Use Of Free Time!

You misunderstood the rules. As a Warrior, you're legally prohibited from every saying "Whhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeee!!!'

I, too, have the new cupcake! MWA HA HA HA HA HA!!

He looks better in red.

Sounds like Marijuana's to blame.

Alice? Who the fuck is Alice?!

I've been very curious about Puerto Rico. My wife and i have a friend over every week or so and we usually settle down with either Catan or Arkham Horror (if you haven't played Arkham Horror, get. it. NOW. Trust me. [ps- this is Lovcraftian Arkham, not Wayne Enterprises' Arkham :D]).

It's times like these that i wish... nay... pray for gawker to add a +1 system.

I'm reading along, with my normal headvoice speaking the words on the screen. However, i almost jumped when the voice quickly changed to a loud, yelling video game voice from the past "OK!"

Abuse was amazing. I'd like to see that as an XBLA/PSN twinstick shooter.

Well, that was quite charming and put a bounce in my step! Thanks Kotaku :)

Quick Question:

Any word on a "Quake Live" browser play Marathon?

Novels have immersion without any graphics whatsoever.

I. Love. Touhou.