I’ve always been utterly baffled by the Wrangler topping these lists year after year after year.
Is it though? Really?
If you’re having trouble financing a car and there are less expensive cars available in a class that suits your needs then interest rates aren’t the problem.
I’m actually glad you wrote this. I’m Canadian. I remember seeing these driving around. Until this moment I’ve had no idea why or for how long the brand was a thing.
I get that if I like California’s climate that I could move there and let other places continue to exist.
Or dog years? :)
Crap. You beat me to it. Have a star! :)
Is it TP, or is it your constitution??
I love Lotus’ cars but as a company I get the impression they’re just as big a bunch of douches as Ferrari.
This wasn’t a criminal prosecution. The investigation didn’t have to prove anything. The best case scenario for the GOP would have been if some critical evidence came to light that utterly disproved the allegations against him.
I slid a GT3 past the edge of a race track once... it wasn’t gravel, but it’s still definitely being driven. :)
Anyone who’s done even the most rudimentary research into Nazis should know that they were absolute monsters and deserved to be wiped from the face of the earth.
As an outsider, I’m utterly baffled by this entire process.
Can I just chime in to say that these are just about the cutest kids ever??
It’s a shame the same won’t be said for the newer ones, which are now completely anonymous.
I’m not sure that would work. I mean... if nothing actually happens at the end of a stage... they just hand out a bunch of points... I think that might just confuse a lot of people and not actually change the racing much.
You’re only saying that because you’re some sort of savant and picked up on the fact that I posted the newest one.
Agree 100%. Outsiders can look at stage racing and call the whole thing hokey but as a long-time fan, I see a genuine benefit.
That 718 Spyder is by far the more interesting car here!