Ah. Touche. :)
I just don’t know who wants this as a cab. 944’s are great track day cars but if you’re looking for a fun Porsche to cruise around with the top down, go find a Boxster.
It does look better than the previous one but am I the only one that thinks the Acura badge on the front is unfathomably large??
The proper take here is “Go ahead and touch the cars... but only after asking and getting permission and when you do, be careful about it and aware of how things get damaged”.
Ugh. That moment when you read something like “until the Focus RS comes out” and realize you’re reading an article that’s over 2 years old. :(
Is it just me or does anyone else immediately think of the poop emoji when they see the Santander logo??
I’m not sure you understand irony. This is not ironic. This is the entire basis of the lawsuit.
I think you’re VASTLY under-valuing the availability of the rear steering and cool seats.
Maybe it would have and maybe it wouldn’t have. The point is that having the aids on is a safety measure and you can have tons of fun on a race track without using them while still keeping them enabled for when you need them.
Those last two seem like straight-up theft!!
This is better than the base Carrera if you take advantage of the options that are available but not available on the base (or even S or GTS) models.
The GTS is definitely not the affordable GT3. Optioned up, it’s pretty much the same price. What’s this about light weight? That’s not a GTS thing.
What a bizarre spec!
When Ford announced they were gonna stop making cars, it didn’t bode well for confidence.
Wait... WHAT?? They replaced Riggs with Stiffler??
What wasn’t ideal about the reaction? I straightened the car out and abandoned the pass. What would you have suggested differently?
I was all ready to NP this but the last bit about the whole thing being pretty shady makes it not worth touching.
I’m not sure how you can deduce all that from the video, which is just a bunch of people passing each other and doesn’t show anything about how any of us drive a normal lap, but ok.