Wil H

Ive got more than I care to mention - have had them in storage for YEARS and was just to lazy to do something with em - might have to give this thing a whirl for $80

Racist? I dont agree with Mr Sutcliffe but just how is this "racist"?

I love it - a guy named Against Stupidity using the word "retarded"

"Having enough finesse to bump open a lock faster than using the actual key" Of youre locked out is this REALLY that important?


The title says

Well there are a few posts in there that are good examples of what the story is trying to convey but tell me, are schmackdaddie, ChromeKB24 and TangySkaters someones "real name". Maybe theres a work around, maybe these people just havent reached their 3 week limit yet but these are hardly "shining examples"