I have a feeling Patrick is using Grindr to look for “tax professionals”.
I have a feeling Patrick is using Grindr to look for “tax professionals”.
While I am a prime member, I highly advise against such a way of purchasing things. Buying items right when you need them is always a bad idea, especially if you’re blind to the price and limited to just 1 brand. I’m not the biggest person to give advice on shopping, but at the very least, I do buy things I know I’ll…
I hate having regulations preventing me from putting potentially toxic or carcinogenic chemicals on my skin. The FDA is so mean.
I hate having regulations preventing me from putting potentially toxic or carcinogenic chemicals on my skin. The FDA…
Wait...i’m currently in Europe. Should I be taking advantage of some sort of sunscreen loophole right now?
Wait...i’m currently in Europe. Should I be taking advantage of some sort of sunscreen loophole right now?
Are you fat-shaming google chrome? Real browsers gobble up ram, or something like that.
There seem’s to be no mention of gender or age segregation in the data, which to me makes this borderline useless, a throwaway experiment. You cannot tell me that a young man enjoys loneliness and doing things with it in the same way as a female OAP, just for example.
Good list, but it’s missing the only tip that actually matters: “Be attractive and charismatic.”
I hate this "feature"....who comes up with this nonsense?
Of course this will only Disable the CURRENT Session. YouTube will gladly show the Switch in the On position the next time you use the Site. There is no way to prevent it as far as we know.
Oh, don't.
I usually just say, "Hey, wanna ride to Boner Town on the Sausage Express?"
This is absolutely disgusting.
A totally valid issue in society, yet I cannot get the irony over hearing women complain when they are paid no attention at all, and the many many many stories of people having met as perfect strangers because one had the guts to approach the pretty stranger. Just like when someone they like approached them is…
My past 29 what? If my past 29 cats leave me? Husbands? Fleas? This sentence makes no sense.
Family doesn't allow you to? How old are you?
IOS 8 killed my grandmother.
For the people who don't know: any person has the right to refuse to show an ID to the police. Refusing to show an ID is not cause for arrest.
Is your friend named "Tom"?
Buy that $125.00 textbook and sell it back for $30.00, IF the professor did not release the next edition with 2 words fixed and three chapters rearranged... IF a new edition was released, then $0.00 for you.