
Yes, I upgraded last month and loved the fluid and simple interface. I used to Start8 to get the old Start back but I'm thinking I might give Metro a try.

No Google Voice in Europe yet? particulary in France.

For the second hack, I just would like to point that your phone might get some scratches if you put it with your keys in that bottle, or in your pocket for that matter.

Oh the humanity... what about inconsistent revelations?

So what weird things do you do every week for instance?

Why should I buy a crappy phone when I can a much more sophisticated one with a system that's actually optimized and does not defragment itself overtime? Why?

I've always wondered if masturbation/ejaculation decreases intellectual performance or memory, seeing that when you ejaculate, you feel a little bit tired. Any thoughts?

What the deuce is the Oxford comma anyway? Never heard of it.

I understand the rock hammer he was using was a knockoff.

Ever heard of φ?

You fucking Atheist! All you want is destroy Christmas for us OReillians.

Maybe they'll stick with the same prices... Just don't be too judgmental about Tim Cook, he's a good guy.

Not now bitch. Maybe yours now.

Hello Benny,

Who the deuce is the Fonz man?

I just don't see how this is "exclusive".

What about protecting minors? You would want Facebook to allow people to post post for instance? Geez.

This is a little off-topic but I'd like to know how you guys found Windows 8. I use Windows 7 right now but am not sure if it's worth migrating to the latest os.

Exactly. But "Which is better?" is asking for tech advice. "I love the Surface" shows just that the person was not qualified to give tech advice... and that is my point.

No, doctors recommend eating tape now.