
Guarantee you the same people bitching about LGBT or women only communities go around calling other people triggered snowflakes without a hint of irony.

Republicans don’t care at all about charges of “hypocrisy”. If it’s something they feel they can attack, they’re gonna do it— regardless of whether those in their group are guilty of the same things. From adulterous Newt Gingrich going after Bill Clinton for his affair, to draft-dodging George Bush Jr. Swift-boating

I don’t think people realize how conservative and racist most of Wisconsin is. People saw the protests at Madison, but remember the state voted for Walker. They voted for Paul Ryan. They voted for Ron Johnson.

I gave him a star, but really only because it makes you angry.

Most Brewers’ game attendees are from nearby Waukesha County. A hyper conservative, nearly all white, exurban dump also referred to as Walkersha County for it’s endless support of Scott Walker.

many critics are self-employed, and have never taken any directing/acting lessons...there is no difference between them and a “random consumer”.

he was a professional, though...and was totally not suited to determine what made a game “good”.

While I get your point, we are talking about Hello Games here. More than likely it was taken out since they couldn’t get it work at intended or didn’t have a better idea of how to make it fun. Plenty of games have this type of enemy and it works well. Usually it’s a PITA to avoid or deal with, but you are exploring

I’m not sure this is the argument you want to be making. The game was widely regarded as a underwhelming disappointment when it launched and they’ve spent pretty much all their time since launch adding things the players have indeed been asking for. Saying the devs know better than the players what is fun is

I don’t think this is the hill you want to die on, man.

Everyone knows that game development changes. You try things. Things don’t work. Things break. The community more or less understands that.

not just bad games...but bad games that the devs thought were great before they released it...like Daikatana.

For defending a game that is just now making good on multiplayer and still doesn’t have dynamic spaceship battles you sound a little smug. No I won’t forgive them either until they’ve released a fully realized game. 

Uh cue The Culling 2, Battleborn, Dead Space 3, Mighty No. 9, Pathfinder Online, Aliens: Colonial Marines, Battlefield Hardline (sorry Visceral), etc.

I get that, they need to balance what to dedicate resources to and what not to. Still I could see the worms being a neat addition to a more survival-driven setting. I’m imagining something like the sandworm level of Jedi Academy, where you couldn’t touch the sand lest you be eaten.

Because the combat is kinda bad in general. There’s no point in focusing on that.

“People would hate them within the game. They would be totally overpowered to the player. It would just come from nowhere, and it just wasn’t very fun. And it didn’t make sense within the scale of the game.”

Don’t tell me what is and isn’t fun, developers!

The overwhelming majority of games I’ve played with females tend to be a lot more chill than all-dude games.  You can call it sexist, sure, but it is also true.

That’s kind of scary. Because it tells us that prominent gun rights advocates can afford to give so few fucks that they aren’t worried about looking like psychopaths in front of the entire world.