
That’s like hanging out at the same coffee shop in LA every day with the hopes of catching a glimpse of some C-list actor. It’s idol worship and an obsession with fame taken to a sad, unhealthy level.

One of the saddest things I’ve ever read.

“This absolutely ruins the game for me,” a player named TheHungerGame said on Fortnite’s official forums. “One of the main reasons I play is to hopefully get into lobbies with good people/streamers. Now I have 0 chance of knowing it’s them. Such a stupid, stupid addition.”

People trying to ride a wave are out of luck. To tell the truth, it’s just easier to forge one’s own path than simply be acknowledge as “Ninja killer #2546".

Like if they want this attention so bad why not record/stream themselves?

lol. I needed some salt for the burgers I’m cooking. This will do nicely. Am I really supposed to feel sorry for someone this motherfucking thirsty?

As Smokey Robinson sang in The Tears of a Clown:

Most people didn’t like Fallout 4, but I honestly loved it - performance issues aside, it was immersive as all hell for me and one of the best gaming experiences in recent memory. But again, I’m in the minority on that.

We do our best to just treat them like we would any other publisher. Any time I’m going to run a report like this, I’ll always ask the relevant parties for comment. Sure, Bethesda hasn’t responded in nearly five years, but that doesn’t mean we’re gonna stop asking. Let the onus be on them.

With new “non-gamer” players playing Pokemon GO, Nintendo probably did make the core Pokemon game a little easier with less grinding, but as far as I can tell, the mechanics for min-maxing and deep mechanics are more or less intact. If you want to go really deep into the game, Nintendo left those elements there while

All it’s done recently is gotten rid of the monotony of traveling and leveling. Unless you just LOVED the grinding in the older games, the new games provide just as much entertainment and challenge when it comes to battle/team comp and then there is multiplayer too. Now don’t get me wrong, I don’t personally think

If by easier you mean less tedious, then yes.

Uh I hate to break this to you but Pokemon has literally never been difficult. The primary demographic is pre-teens. Note that none of that is a bad thing and the games are plenty deep while being easy.

its had a good run. I welcome the unification of the platforms.

To be fair, that was pretty much the case the day the Switch was announced.

Now playing

Yep, Sid Alpha’s been on this hack for over a year. Valve really has no excuse.

“They did remove Steam Greenlight afterall”

DUDE WTF valve. why do you keep letting banned devs back on steam? this entire thing could have been avoided if you did your job PROPERLY!

“The broader conversation about Steam’s content policies is one that we’ll be addressing soon,”

Is ‘soon’ like, real world soon or Half-life 3 soon?