
The PVP aspect of the Souls games is easily the absolute worst part of the whole thing. What an amazingly stupid idea. Take a great single player experience and then drop a giant deuce on the player every now and then for no damn good reason.

That’s wrong way of thinking, there is no excuse for behave like this, you don’t have to tolerate this shit and he needs to take responsibility for his actions.

You’ll be dealing with worse, far worse.

This is why I believe in hiring experts, or more importantly, market research. A lot of advisors/experts/gurus are complete junk- basically anyone in banking - but even when i worked for a. game studio, if you told me people would make $10,000 a week playing videogames and occasionally making a racist joke i would

If the premise is that they don’t sufficiently love or respect America, then can we throw people who fly the confederate flag out of the country too? After all, Confederacy was a seditious/treasonous nation that we fought a war with.

Except for sometimes.

Will “YouTubers” still be a thing in 10 years? Because I have a 3-year-old and I’d prefer not to deal with this crap when he’s a teen.

You’re also grounded for a...Wait for it. Fortnight.

I really do try so hard not to be the old guy hating on kids for being kids, but... uuugh. The stupid, inane, borderline- (or beyond) offensive shit I see kids getting up to on YouTube makes me feel twice my age and fading. And our future is only going to have worse versions of this kind of crap. Hell in a handbasket,

Yet another entire category of YouTube video that sounds completely fucking boring. Maybe this is a “kids these days” kind of statement, but I feel like I demanded at least a little more out of my entertainment as a boy.

And this is how you lose your shit. I’m dad and since it’s my money, this is now my account. Which I will cancel after taking your shit. Also thanks for agreeing to paint the house. And our neighbors. You’re also grounded for a...Wait for it. Fortnight. Dad wins.

Reminder that sometimes beating children is okay.

That goes to SteamCharts.

The game is $16 on Steam.

Right? Forgotten Realms literally had an era where all the gods came down and fought eachother. And it’s STILL the most important event in their history.

You’re criticizing the PoE setting for its use of gods and in the same sentence you’re praising Forgotten Realms?

Do you not know what a neckbeard is? Once upon a time that was a thing, now its just “random insult against dude with beard” that makes no damn sense.

In this day and age, most young adults (yes, i’m generalizing here) have been raised without a sense of accountability. Nothing is ever their fault, and if they get busted breaking the rules they typically fall back on “well I was never explicitly told I couldn’t do this very specific thing”. Then Twitch comes along

He’s an entitled neckbeard? He’s angry he lost his scam and wants revenge? He really is this dumb and greedy? His lawyer gave him really bad advice? I don’t know, something along these lines.