Fun fact: You pretty much described unions across America. LOL /s
Fun fact: You pretty much described unions across America. LOL /s
I don’t regularly ride the LIRR, but when I do, the loudest riders are the white girls and boys openly getting inebriated on their way to NYC. As a PoC, my thoughts wonder how long would it not take for them to get arrested were they not white. Personally, I feel safer in the Deep South than in Long Island regarding…
Doctor’s offices generally do not want you using your cell phone in it so she was out of order for using it at all in the first place so she had a cursing out coming.
Yup even in the purportedly liberal SF Bay area, they are almost exclusively white. It’s creepy as fuck.
The guy who leads the most rabid anti-union cabal since the turn of the century, because not even union solidarity trumps white supremacy.
Fun fact: stagehands are unionized, hired internally among family members (often they will be 3rd/4th generation) and 99.9% are racist misogynist white men from NJ/Long Island/Connecticut who don’t give a flying fuck about theater or opera or whatever they work on.
This right here is peak white lady.
Except the Kiseki games, while they took a long time to come, had legitimate reasons for the delay and not repeatedly banging their heads into walls to fix bugs more competent developers would have seen and fixed before release.
So this is the second PC port that NIS has screwed up, the other being YSVIII which was just released after months of repeated delays. Hopefully Disgaea when released isn’t full of bugs too.
Please. The point of school vouchers is to cripple public school teachers’ unions. Every other purpose stated is just a smokescreen.
I agree. My daughter is merely AD/HD, but the school resources are overwhelmed by students who need much more active help. Therefore, I’m montoring her progress with an outside child psychologist. The fact that parents and doctors are actually lying about a diagnosis to gain an advantage makes me sick.
There’s no tuition control; there’s nothing to stop (for example) school x from raising tuition. The lottery for vouchers is another issue. Yes it’s good if you get a slot but how can one really stand by and know that the current system does not afford a student to be the best they can be.
“And don’t want to share.”
While I have plenty to be concerned about with white liberal male politicians, this is the area where the influx of white female politicians concerns me. While they may be happy to support better health care for everyone, they’re also the first to support de facto school segregation policies because when they think…
As someone that was fortunate to get bused to the better part of town to attend magnet school, yeah, there’s a difference. And that caused the same tensions, because you’re bringing kids from another part of town to attend a school with limited clots. But as in this case, the school system knew the alternative was…
You mean a Feminist website is full of “we shall overcome, just...over there?” Perish the thought.
This is a separate tangent that rarely gets talked about. We already know that standardized tests have an inherit bias to them and now you have those who can afford to supplementing study efforts.
I use to dismiss the liberal split of feminists vs. blacks/Hispanics wanting equal societal status, and then I viewed the voting breakout of the last/2016 presidential election.
Yep. They want to “help” without actually having to change anything or upset their comfort levels in any way. It’s the “overcome, just...over there” mentality.
I kinda hope this gets cross posted to jez to watch the heads explode.