
“Black Siren,” I believe, was the name used for the Justice Guild character in the DC animated universe, right?

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Just pointing this out...

Sky-High Towing Service:

I grew up far from here—a town so small
That most folks still used ground-cars to and fro.
But now I work the skyport. I’m on call.
Whenever traffic snarls, then out I go.
I fly a skimmer—small, but just the thing
To help when some guy’s anti-grav breaks down.
I shift to hover, walk out on the wing,

Sadly, I don’t know how to spell “Eh-neeek-chock.”

Nah, you don’t need to explain any further. We’ve all been trolled enough, me included. Have a great day.

And that’s a legitimate criticism. But if you re-read the last three sentences of that paragraph, they could easily have come from a Trump press conference.

While you did offer solid statistics in paragraph one, you have to admit that your second paragraph sounded like The Donald. It went all ad hominem on the show (and io9 readers). I think you have a really good point to make, but the tone you took was what led to the Trump GIF. Personally, I like the show, but I get

‘Neath the clear desert sky,
I met up with a guy
As I guzzled down leftover dreams.
“You’re not from ‘round here,”
I said, “’cause it’s clear
That there’s more to you than it would seem.”
Where his eyes were glowed red
Processing what I’d just said,
And his jaw clicked and I heard gears whirr:
“’Not from here’: statement

The Sorcerer’s Unpaid Intern

The job is not as bad as you might think:
It’s mostly shuffling parchment, fetching snacks.
The internship’s unpaid, which really stinks,
But I get real-world training others lack.
Oh, sure, it would be nice to graduate
From some elite academy for magic arts,
But my test scores and grades just

It’s a shame that Boswell’s onside kick wasn’t recovered. I wish that he had gotten a chance to try this version he did in college: Rice U. versus University of Houston

His hair, sentient and evil, remained.

“We faked it,” Armstrong gasped, finally.

Parallel universes suddenly became skew universes.


Nice. Hemingway would have been proud.

She sees her young self, wistfully.

“I’m trying to quit. Dragon won’t.”

President Trump’s skin cracked, revealing scales.

Beside the Wookie, an empty pilot’s seat.