It’s a shame that Boswell’s onside kick wasn’t recovered. I wish that he had gotten a chance to try this version he did in college: Rice U. versus University of Houston
This is a delightful satirical parody. As a high school English teacher, I can say your high school English teacher would be very proud. Embarrassed, perhaps, but proud. Sadly, I don’t think I can use this review as a teaching tool without getting fired. But if I could, I would. It’s that good. (The article, I…
That story is crazy! It’s ludicrous! It’s ridiculous! It’s...BA-NA-NAZ!
This is wrong. It is wrong in such a wrong way that it makes the wrongness seem so much more wrong, so that I want to scream, “Wrong! Wrong! This is all wrong!”
Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
By contrast, Steve Kerr has such an open-to-other-ideas framework that the big line-up change with Iguodala didn’t come from him but from several rungs down the coaching ladder. While Kerr’s not a genius—he’s a rookie coach too, after all—he is smart enough to know what he doesn’t know. Blatt’s not a horrible coach,…
And Empire Strikes Back was better than Star Wars. But we still call the whole thing Star Wars.
“Not a hoax! Not an imaginary story!”
Seriously, I have to wonder about the thought process that went into this decision: “Hey, remember how in Man of Steel, Lois knew Clark was SuperHope all along? And remember how that made for a much better take on Superman that everyone universally loved? Why don’t we do that, and…
If you keep Nightwing, but leave out Donna Troy, Aqualad, and Speedy, then you don't really have the mentor-trainee problem. If your lineup for the live-action show is the same as Teen Titans, the only real conflict you have with the cinematic universe is Cyborg. Why not have Nightwing, Raven, Starfire, Beast Boy,…
Could it be The World of Star Trek by David Gerrold?
I'm sure your much more informed than I, but I don't really think Houdini's reputation was based on sleight of hand. He was a hardworking and impressive showman specializing in escapes and willing to take on new and different challenges (movies and airplanes come to mind). That's one of the reasons most folks—other…
At fault, to a degree, is the concept that a college education is necessary for success and happiness. My wife teaches at a local college in its remedial program; she also teaches at a charter school in an economically-disadvantaged area. She is expected to prepare those students for college success—which then holds…
Richmond Naval Air Station in Miami was the second largest blimp base after New Jersey. It was largely destroyed in a fire after a severe storm hit, though one of the corner towers from the hangars survives today. If you want to see it, you can visit Zoo Miami and the adjacent Gold Coast Railway Museum which were…
My guess is Shaggy Man.
Um, typically, in Judeo-Christian beliefs anyway, angels aren't dead things; that is, you don't become an angel upon death. I think the idea is more along the lines of a Christmas pageant—kids dressing up as characters from the Christmas story, which does include angels.
Excellent suggestions.
I teach high school English at a Christian school. Both Ender's Game and The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy are on the reading list for the freshman class. In my senior honors English class, we're finishing up Jasper Fforde's Shades of Grey. I understand what you're saying—at another Christian school I wasn't…