
Yet another reminder that NONE of these idiots understand the Hatch Act (or even simple morality).

People don’t realize just how recent the Civil War was. My grandfather told me a couple of stories about fighting the Nazis, but they always ended up with everyone listening in tears or him screaming at the ghost of General Patton; I learned far more about that war from his occasional flashbacks FIFTY YEARS LATER

Assuming that Jeff Flake was telling the 100% truth about everything (like the first response-in-grey you’ve got), he STILL would be dangerously unqualified based purely on his unhinged senate testimony. I wouldn’t buy a car from someone who acted like that, much less trust him in a courtroom.

Better weed, strippers, and hookers.

That’s the actual definition of meme. I’m not going to go to their website to see what other idiocy they’ve got, though; I can imagine the thinly-veiled racist horror show just fine from Gawker Gizmodo.

You’re all wrong. Go down to the Kroger’s, the one where they sell little mini airplane bottles of liquor. I live in Las Vegas, so they’re not that hard to find. Your mileage may vary. Depending upon the shape of the bottles and manufacturer of the ziploc baggies, you can fit between six and eight of them in a single

According to Trump, they actually ARE stupid. Excuse me, “uneducated.”


The driver is clearly a reincarnation of the Buddha.

The “Be Best” lunacy has nothing to do with her limited English proficiency. Michelle Obama’s anti-bullying thing was “Be Better.” What’s better than “better?” Best. Voila!

What was Trump’s first reality show again? Professional wrestling. To this day Trump’s playing a heel, and what was Kavanaugh’s senate approval except a giant fundraising kayfabe?

“It doesn’t matter how long you’ve lived in New York. It’s still fun to look up and pretend all the buildings are giant severed robot penises.” — Liz Lemon

Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu Gritty R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn.

Except Pelosi has already said (last night) that “impeachment is off the table.” Something about how the Democrats shouldn’t be dividers. 

In most jurisdictions, burglary is roughly defined as “entering another’s property for the purpose of committing a felony.” So, for instance, if a person goes to 7-11 and smokes crack in their bathroom, they could be arrested for both cocaine possession and burglary. It’s usually a bullshit charge added on to give

I sincerely doubt he’s either a Trump-ster or insane. He’s virtually the only semi-coherent person with the ability to spend all day in a remote studio and defend Trump on half a dozen different cable news panel shows.

At least North Korea has the courtesy to call their pro-governement military fetish bullshit “propaganda.” In our capitalist country, we have the exact same shit except except we sucker the rubes out of $20. North korea might be an authoritarian hellhole, but at least they’re honest about it.

I get that you were responding to a troll without taking it out of the treys, but the question remains: If Russia isn’t our enemy, then how come we have ten thousand nuclear missiles pointed at each other?

There’s probably not a perfect correlation between shitty parenting and being a neo-Nazi, but I’d guess the correlation is pretty strong.

Ultima Online. The idea is twenty years old, and it was one of the shittiest parts about the game.