
I smoked hash with cops in Paris on Bastille Day 2014, on the opposite side of the Sacre Coeur from the tourist steps. So I’m pretty sure they don’t drug test.

American people are far more important than American flags.

These people, either in real life or on social media, are so disingenuous it’s stunning. “I’m not a sexist, I was just asking if women at Google aren’t as smart as their male counterparts. Just a question!” or “I wasn’t saying black people weren’t as smart, I was just saying look at these studies. Why do you hate

For those too young to remember, this was literally all Dubya did (at least until 9/11): he just reversed Clinton rules and regulations. That’s it. Water quality standards, air quality, workplace safety, discrimination. He even demoted the cabinet level position in charge of fighting terrorism, because Clinton told

Pfizer was trying to re-up their patent on Viagra by finding a “new use” for it. Otherwise the biggest cash cow in the history of pharmaceuticals goes generic next year. The “new use” was using the expanded blood flow to increase tolerance to high G turns for fighter pilots. It didn’t work well enough to classify for

It almost always is. Occasionally there are scientists doing good work, but most seem to have it back-asswards, trying to prove the Bible “correct.” They’ve already got their conclusion and results; now they’re trying to dig shit up to justify it.

Is this the same NYPD that, in February of this year, paid out a $75 million dollar settlement because they lied about having evidence in 900,000 cases? That’s almost a million made-up, bogus charges against innocent people just in the last few years. Fuck them.

I agree. That’s why I USED to be a juvenile PO. I work with kids in schools now, trying to prevent them from being “broken” well before they go to jail.

I was a juvenile PO. While there are definitely issues with charging kids as adults (namely systemic racism and/or poverty), for the most severe crimes, charging as adults is mandatory. Murder and attempted murder, rape, that sort of thing. Juvenile simply courts aren’t intended for those types of severe crimes, nor

Are we sure that Ben Carson knows he’s black? Has anyone explicitly told him?

“Brave” people don’t need four guns and a knife, as shown on the Vice documentary piece.

Vegas sports books are too tightly regulated (these days) for a money-laundering bet of this size.

You take 880k in drug money, but can’t put it in the bank. You can, however, make a sure bet. The casino pays out (even deducting for taxes), and when the IRS or DEA come knocking, you can just point to the bet.

Vanilla and vague enough that the Nazis and Klansmen can reasonably say to themselves, “He said ‘all.’ That means he knows that it’s really the not-racists who are the violent ones.”

To me, the simple joke of Obama not being black enough to “lifts up his shirt so they can see the gun in his pants” was way more offensive than his use of the dreaded N-word the other night. One’s a hurtful word that he didn’t direct to any person (a mitigating factor), while the Obama wisecrack perpetuates a

What about Rachel Dolezal? Can we at least question her blackness?

And Trump & Co haven’t even started their daily bullshit yet.

He’s not a vampire.

No, she doesn’t. She clearly comes from the “stop hitting yourself” school of bully-thought, an academic perspective which also says “What did you do to deserve being bullied? Perhaps if you weren’t so ___, the other kids wouldn’t murder you in cold blood so often.”