
Sometimes I lay awake at night wondering what would happen if she and Ben Carson made a baby.

Fuck Yeah Sean!!!! That’s what happens when niggas try and get frosty with an OG. Talk shit, stabbed, lol

This won’t even slow down Faux News. It’ll be the exact same story, except now it’ll be “Girls are sluts who lie about rape all the time, tonight on Hannity!”

I agree with everything you wrote one hundred percent. I just think that one side point the author inserted distracted from his thesis, which was “train white teachers correctly” and not “do more to retain black teachers.”

Normally I’m opposed to microtransactions, but I’d happily pay an extra five bucks for this feature.

I wouldn’t even call that a nightmare vacation; I’d call it “camping.”

For these reasons, others have rightly recommended changing the conditions that push teachers of color out of the profession.

The correct spelling of “anonymous backers” is probably “Peter Thiel.”

An interesting direction, since he himself went to a public performing arts school (Las Vegas Academy, also where my non-famous kid went). He makes lots of charity events for the arts, but I’m glad to see him focus some philanthropy for PoC in STEM; it’s not exactly like there’s a drastic shortage of R&B singers.

Some festivals just ban head dresses entirely, like they would guns or baseball bats (Life Is Beautiful, for instance).

I want her and Ben Carson to make a baby.

One of the first things a plaintiff asks for during discovery/deposition is tax records. PLEASE let this thing carry through...

I’d bet that the highrate of tourist deaths in Thailand aren’t even related to anything illicit, but to drownings and car accidents. Anyone who’s tried to drive a moped there, or traveled to Phuket or the Mekong River during monsoon, would probably agree.

Replace “police” with “white people” and you’ve got the GOP platform.

I wonder if President Trump thinks Hillary was a good candidate or not...

McCain has gone out of his way to block any investigations into American POWs held illegally in Vietnam for years after the war, and he started interfering with investigations less tan a decade after he was released. It was bad for international business. He’s a giant piece of shit and always has been.

You should google “parable of the tares.” Jesus actually tells us how to treat refugees. (Hint: there’s no travel ban involved)

If they were 19 or 20 I would probably call them kids. And this definitely IS the behavior of children, which is one reason I think the sentence was so harsh. A bunch of 16 year olds pull this shit, you make them do 1000 hours of service at a mostly-minority Boys & Girls Club.

It’s a subway. LA already has a pretty decent, rapidly expanding subway system. Plus, they sell much better weed on LA subway cars than most cities’ subways.

He doesn’t talk to people like they are people because he doesn’t think that they are people. He is the only real person. He makes the rules. Any noise that bubbles up from his subconscious is fake news that he must assault with irrationality, lies, and layers of avoidance mechanisms to preserve his ego