
I grew up in Las Vegas, and have been here off and on for most of my life.

This is not that complicated, provided you started a few months ago like any good fan. I just booked every Sunday morning with my kid for three months. Episodes 1 & 2, The Clone Wars (the first season we skipped, because it took a while to find its legs), Episode 3, every episode of Rebels, then 4-6. With multiple

Yeah, but a lot of those kids are older than three or possess dark skin. It’s much, much harder to adopt those kids out. There ARE lots of decent people lining up to be foster parents (believe it or not, they try and weed out the weirdos and people in it for the $20 a day), but it’s not easy being a foster parent. You

We’ve been at war in Asia and/or the Middle East virtually continuously since 1894. Sometimes for good reasons and other times for terrible ones, and sometimes the “wars” have been minor military actions in which no shots were fired.

Probably NONE of them were there for an abortion, because abortion tends to be an early morning procedure, like colonoscopy.

It seems to me that you’re not arguing over manipulation — manipulating people’s emotions is the whole point of storytelling and has been for as long as there’s been language — but that your issue is with subtlety.

It’s bugged me since 1977: when Luke and Owen first get the droids from the Jawas, the scene ends with Luke, Threepio, and R2 headed directly for the stairs into the Lars homestead, just feet away. How the fuck did R2 get down the stairs?

I am currently a school teacher in a very tough neighborhood. Before that, I worked at one of the most difficult high schools in the nation, and in juvenile jail and prisons.

You just fucked yourself out of any argument with anyone who even might have thought this was appropriate. Correctly spelling the word “lede?” Fucking commie.

As I said on the subject yesterday: on the rare occasions when kids freak out and won’t move out of their seat, I simply push the desk where I want it to be. You don’t have to be strong, or pick it up, or lay hands on someone else’s kid. You just have to lean a little bit.

Okay, with Huntsville the advice is different: move. Sooner rather than later. I’ve lived in Texarkana, Palestine, Nacogdoches, Freeport, Lake Jackson, and Houston.

I have discovered the magic secret of getting out of student loan bills, even in this bullshit age of not being able to discharge them through bankruptcy: just never stop going to school. Take one class at a time, in anything. My sister’s a cosmetologist; not only does she make more than me now (although her benefits

I did, eventually, find the time to take a few college classes; I cracked under the pressure. I got custody of my biological child (the step kid went to her father) mostly because the other parent, who was not inherently bad, was simply mentally ill.

At the risk of sounding like a Marxist, I argue that simply being poor is wage theft. When I was 21 and had two small children (one ours, one step), I worked in a down-scale restaurant 7 days a week, 14 hours a day for minimum wage plus tips (which is actually far more generous in terms of dollars than in some

I was super excited to see a Ghostbusters movie with an all-female cast. Seemed like a great idea, especially since they got so many hilarious women involved. And then I found out that it wasn’t a new Ghostbusters movie, just the old one with different actors. It’s one thing to remake Godzilla or some other movie that

Can you imagine this guy’s pick up lines or online dating profile?

It’s a good idea. I would happily pay fifteen bucks for Star Wars: Uprising on either my XB1 or PC.

And let’s not forget that whole “Pearl Harbor” thing.

There was a famous stage version of Othello that did that. Othello was white and everyone else was black, just to see if it really changed the play. Turns out Othello and Iago are both total assholes regardless of their skin color.