
If they wanted to think critically, they probably wouldn't be anti-choice in the first place.

I seriously doubt she was crying; she apparently wanted to go to jail. If she were crying, they were tears of joy from all of the sweet, sweet bigot money that's going to come rolling in. This is going to be like hitting the lottery for her.

I think I read that he’s one of a set of twins, fathered by her second and fourth husband.

What's hilarious is that people expect consistency from Scalia. Remember a couple of years ago when he wrote a scathing dissent with a prcedent that he himself had written?

Appreciating the live blog. Twitch is working weirdly on the Xbox One and has gone batshit crazy on PC.

Oh, hell yes. My pellet grill is one of the very few purchases I’ve ever made that I can honestly say has improved the quality of my life.

You’re from the Midwest, aren’t you? Because the only people I know that invested in sausages are Germans and Midwesterners.

A couple of side notes for consideration:

I really enjoyed Spider-Verse, though, and hope to see more of it. You are definitely correct, though, about all of them in the same (presumably) 616 universe at the same time. I’m not too worried about Gwen coming back, though: they’ll just kill her again in an overpriced, overhyped special edition, or maybe Mary

That’s one of the many brilliant things about this movie: it’s feminist as fuck, but it’s not in your face about it. Maybe my closest comparison is Romero’s zombie movies, or, better yet, Knightriders. There were definitely deep themes involved, but totally enjoyable on multiple levels, with nothing too heavy handed.

I’ve got Type 2 Diabetes (adult onset, also known as “fat man’s diabetes”) and high blood pressure, plus there are many things I can’t enjoy like I used to. Those are three damn good reasons to lose the “dadbod.”

It didn’t. It violated the non-disclosure agreement that they, as employees, signed and agreed to.

I’ve been buying comics every Wednesday for as long as I can remember. Maybe one of my favorite hobbies (much to my wife’s chagrin) is moseying down to my local comic shop, coming back with my new releases (mostly Marvel and a few Image, maybe a Vertigo title like Astrocity or Fables, maybe a “literary” graphic

Both this article and the original NYT articles make it clear it was cheating.

In the end, the most important thing is who the biological father is. There are other, more technical (and occasionally fucked up) issues with paternity (varies by state, especially), but in general, if a man impregnates a woman, — even at a swinger’s party or an open relationship — he’d better be prepared to pay for

Sounds more like Jack Kirby to me, or maybe Bill Mantlo.

I know, right? Who in the modern age would still be reading books that promote rape, slavery, and genocide (as well as about a million other things)?

EXCELLENT article, and spot on: probably the best “fight” article I’ve read about this never-ending hype nightmare. However, I’d like to add something about my hometown: don’t underestimate the sheer magnitude of the incompetence. The depths are frightening. I say this as the spouse of a public defender and a former

DC Comics did shut down it’s NY operation and moved to LA to be closer to DC. I wonder if there’s just some burn out on the general movie-goers part — not of comic book movies, but of Batman and Superman specifically. They’ve been pumping them out with varying degrees of success since the 80s, whereas Marvel is just

It’s a big gamble for them.