You laugh now, but I made the mistake of taking my teenage daughter to see a production of Waiting for Godot and explaining Absurdism afterwards, the whole "pointless, meaningless lives" thing. Then I had to put her in a psychiatric facility for two weeks. At least I never hit her...
I don't consider a lot of the Charlie Hebdo stuff "satire" as it's more thinly veiled anti-muslim propaganda.
Charlie Hebdo wasn't being published in other societies; it was published in France, for French people. Also, nobody at CH was killed because anyone, anywhere, was "offended." They were murdered by religious extremists who wanted to enforce the tenets of their religion on other people.
I'm with you. My in-laws all live in Asia (although none of them are Asian, which is weird), but we get a lot of high quality teas from all over China, more than we could ever drink. There's a reason, sometimes, the old school stuff in still in vogue.
I'm with you. My in-laws all live in Asia (although none of them are Asian, which is weird), but we get a lot of…
Not to mention the fact that it's not "faith" that's being accommodated, it's religion. There's a big difference.
This isn't a male/female thing. That may be the topic, but it's not the issue. It's probably more accurate to say "Dear religious extremists of the world..."
As the story goes, Mitchell is an up-and-coming Marine whose career is cut short following a tragic mission to South Korea. He loses his best friend, his left hand and his dignity as the weighty moment is accompanied by the unlocking of the "Seoul Mates" achievement. In steps Jonathan Irons, offering to lend Mitchell…
I think you're right, which might explain why Microsoft chose now to try and buy out Mojang rather than a couple of years ago. Plus, Mojang might honestly not know where to take it for the future; MS might not either, but they definitely have the resources.
Brilliant marketing: right before summer vacation. When all the kids old enough to buy a game finally have time to play a videogame. I've long maintained that the primary success of "Red Dead Redemption" (an awesome game in and of itself) was due to the fact that it was released right before summer vacation.
God's honest truth: I was employed (in a legal, nonsexual manner) by Dana Plato's former pimp for three years.
It works that way even in Districts with allegedly equal funding. I say this from my "urban" classroom in an very old building, with huge classes, no books, and outdated technology. For some reasons the kids in rich neighborhoods — despite getting the same funding, ostensibly — don't seem to have the problems we do.
Ironically, it's mostly only Americans who think that American schools suck. I've personally escorted educators from all over the world through American schools, people who came here to see how it should be done. The grass is always greener...
That's the one I remember, but my version was green screen only. None of those fancy-shmancy color monitors for the Widestance family, hell no!
All of those paintings you could collect in the second game, the one where you rebuilt a villa and a town? Most of them are in the Uffizi in Florence. Florence and Venice in the game, by the way, are very similar to the way they are in real life. When I visited these places, it was very easy to imagine it from a…
As someone else pointed out to you, this video does the exact opposite of what you intended, in that it paints the police in a very terrible light. If they hadn't been abusing their power and harassing an innocent bystander for the imaginary "crime" of watching them and recording public employees' on-duty, public…
You could say that about atheists, but you'd be wrong. When atheists begin regularly waving signs in front of churches and public schools and random street corners that say "God is make believe!" you'll have a point.
After about 15 months, between DDR and this, I have lost 20 lbs total. And let me say, there is nothing more satisfying than trying to tighten your belt only to find there are no more holes and you need to buy a smaller one.