But it's not in their tax proposal.
But it's not in their tax proposal.
So then why believe in the rest of it? If everybody gets to pick and choose which parts to believe and which parts not to, how the fuck is it even a religion? And why would any sane person believe ANY of it?
I started watching anime in the 70s. "Japanimation" was what I and everyone I knew called anime for a couple of decades, and while I don't call it that anymore, it's still in my mind sometimes. I also think it's a clever portmanteau word.
My problem with the WiiU has nothing to do with gimmicks or brand loyalty or anything but the price. I want to play Mario and Zelda games, and maybe DKC if it's on the WiiU. Nintendo's games are often amazing, but I don't want to pay $300 (before games) for the privilege of playing them. I've got lots of other options…
Pinball is, indeed, an underappreciated art. The lights and sounds, the design, the physics, the simple-yet-complex electronics. In a movie theater I once worked at, we'd take the pinball machines apart and put them back together for fun (because actual, film can-toting projectionists are weird that way).
It sounds like Ultima Online with better graphics.
For a while I thought it was just me, but lately the bias is genuinely starting to feel not only obvious, but in payola territory.
It does look naked without it, and that's a good thing. I thought it would just be an incredibly ugly piece of hardware on the shelf; in the abstract, the Xbox One really does look like a second or third generation VCR. However, I've found that in practice, it's practically invisible. It's so incredibly unobtrusive on…
Sometimes. Someday maybe you'll be a parent, too, and have your moments (or weekends) of being boring. Besides, damnit, I booked the living room for that weekend on June 10th and have the written and electronic records to verify it! Furthermore, the kid's eighteen; it's not like she doesn't have better things to do…
I played Lego Marvel Superheroes for a while to break up the pirating and zombie-slaying. I left that part out.
On a related note: so far my favorite thing about Xbox One (among many things) has been the fact that it came with only one controller. "Dad, can I play, too?" "Sorry, it only came with one controller. You've got a job, buy your own game machine!" Ah, the joys of parenting badly :)
Disney series three, according to the picture on Disney's website, will have power discs for Alice and her flamingos. Not much, but I've been wondering the same thing myself. And Star Wars for that matter, and Tron. I really want Luke Skywalker and Simba to play with Tron Mickey in a Lightcycle. Is that too much to…
Why do I preorder things? Why am I this stupid?
Sometimes we get the same thing in the US. I live just a few miles (what's "mile" in European? Milliliter? Hectare? Think of "a few miles" as .4 hectograms if that makes the conversion easier for you) from an Amazon warehouse, and I often get the games a day or two early.
I'd guess that 90% of the people writing posts about being spied on are using phones, tablets, laptops, and computers that have cameras, and it doesn't bother them in the least.
Te Sony advertising seems to have kicked into high gear lately. However, it's my understanding that Sony as a whole company has really been struggling in the last couple of years; maybe they simply don't have the advertising budget that Microsoft has.
FWIW, Northern Nevada has the best Basque food outside of Spain. Weird, I know, but just like Norwegian people settled the Midwest and brought their foods, so to did Basques settle the Nevada part of the Sierra Nevadas.