I had no idea about the enemy AI playing along side you, thats a great addition. Can't wait to get my hands on this game. Thanks for the break down.
I'm surprised it actually took this long for someone to do that. Can't hate on the guy, he's not breaking any rules.
Yeah…you're definitely "That guy". Congrats I guess.
Wow, that's pretty damn impressive.
Thanks for the info on the SKATE games, I was wondering why no more have been made. As someone that has been skating for 10+ years now I really enjoyed those games. Hope we get at least one more some time soon. Thanks again.
Why not? It's free publicity. It wasn't anything negative so why wouldn't Bethesda?
I just want my Fallout. The number of hours I've put into FO3 is scary. I think I'm going to give FONV another run to hold me over.
Congrats you're "that guy". You've worked hard for it I'm sure.
Dana's comments piss me off, GSP has been the UFC's greatest and best champion, he's literally done everything asked of him. He doesn't owe the UFC, fans, Dana, jack shit. If he wants time off, the guy has earned it.
YES! Take my money indeed! I didn't really get all the hate for the ending of ME 3, I loved it but I can see not everyone into it I guess. For me ME 2 is the perfect game, I just loved everything about that game. Matter of fact, I think I'll replay the role trilogy to hold me over.
Jee, talk about over reacting. Sucks for you, these games were/are great. I can't wait until this new one. New characters, villains, worlds, bring it on! ME will survive without your support. :)
I was so excited for this game then I found out it's turned based. Man, I really hate the whole. Your turn to hit me. Wait Wait Wait, ok my turn. That being said I'll probably still get it just because it's southpark.
I also never had any save issues. I was on an xbox.
She tries way to hard. God bless her efforts? I guess.
Clearly you don't understand the concept of a "Joke".
I'd laugh at this comment if it weren't so stupid. Thanks for the amusement though. People like you are at least good for one thing and that's entertainment.
Good lord, you people will find anything to bitch about. Shut up and stop trying to turn a great story into hate forum for the President. Seriously, you just come off petty and pathetic.