
Cool robot.

I always go for the nuclear option. 99% of the time I don't even boot into the OS before just blowing it away. This combined with ninite and I'm up and running in no time.

Someone who legally purchases this game on a jailbroken phone still isn't allowed to play the full game that they paid for. Jailbreaking a phone isn't illegal, and this anti-piracy measure does not target people who stole the game, it merely targets people who are running a jailbroken version of iOS.

do you smell that? *sniff* smells like class action lawsuit.

Kyle, you're arguing that people should have taken a stick with no promise of a carrot in the future. Did Microsoft ever say anything about making games cheaper as a result of these policies? Anywhere? There is no reason for anyone to have just accepted this DRM in exchange for the hope that maaaaaaaybe Microsoft will

Then don't click on the article. Seriously. Out of all the things you chose to say, you had to be a jerk about it. Look, either use Core, or gtfo, because this is a blog, and they can post whatever they feel like. Some of us enjoy this. Others don't. It's not hard to keep scrolling.

The only thing I can see is the whole point of this post flying over your head.