
Downloading the hell out of this right now.

Dungeon Hunter is Diablo for the iPhone? Brb, off to the app store


The only check against bad behaviour is getting bigger guns. You said for better or worse; I don't think there's a more accurate assessment of the situation. It's always, "Oh shit, I just got rolled by some asshole", but some players love EvE because instead of going "Oh, who will make them pay for their crimes?",

Wouldn't be hard to - on purpose - leave a watch or something on when you go through with the baby, walk out, give the baby to the "father", take off the watch to throw off TSA, then go through again. Would make it ridiculously easy for one to assume the watch was the problem, especially with this kind of complacency.

Not to mention, bounties are pretty lulz. The person with the bounty just gets a friend, swaps into a clone with no implants (buys one if necessary), gets his friend to pod him, then they split the bounty cash.

Fact of the matter is, there are people out there beyond your control who are stupid, irresponsible, and criminally inclined. And there's nothing you can do to fix the whole world. It's just a fact of the environment.

For the sake of having a two-sided argument I'm just going to put these here. Don't credit me for finding the links; someone posted them a few comments up from here.

You too? I lose my phone in T-rexes all the gorram time!

Unfortunately, while that mouse feels amazing (don't let all the nooks and crannies and wheels and spinny things and buttons fool you - when you put your hand in it, all the pads are in the right place and you feel like you're holding a normal mouse), and the construction is amazing, the mouse is durable and

You lucky asshole. I wish I got an unlock for any infiltrator class, ever.

Wow, this is goddamn hilarious. Very nice!

At a glance, yeah. But if you watch it for a while (and I'm assuming you have), you realize that they're walking (rolling) tanks with the most powerful weaponry in the universe. And they're goddamn hard to kill.

I can hear them saying it. It's incredible.

This is my new favourite air craft. Ever. Of all time.

That's what I figured. He logs in, gets like an edit every 10-15sec for a while, does research, then does another 10-15 sec per edit session, etc., and that makes up for his edit/minute ratio during his waking hours.

Depends on how they measure "edits". One way to look at an edit is like a "commit". A commit is where you update what's on your screen locally to the server. If he's like a lot of people who work on this kind of stuff, and remotely as well, I'm sure he'd be spamming the Ctrl+S like a motherfucker, racking up commits

I don't know if you're serious (so easy to mistake sarcasm on the internet), but I thought it was a funny thing to say. I think he's a pretty cool guy. I liked the way he used Google Alerts to basically feed him the articles on albums piece by piece.

I never noticed any issues. Then again, I'm accessing both my Gmail accounts through IMAP, so it could be I simply bypassed some web issues.

Good lord, your comment is drowned out on both sides by the username of the person you're replying to.