shush, you might invalidate her identity, its best to just go with the herd and celebrate the use of violence when its done for the *right reasons*. No bad tactics, only bad targets, yes?
shush, you might invalidate her identity, its best to just go with the herd and celebrate the use of violence when its done for the *right reasons*. No bad tactics, only bad targets, yes?
Angry Transwoman are all fun and games until you get that story of the cis lesbian who was beat outside a bar by a transwoman and her “allies” for saying no to sex...
actually, yes. Women don’t really experience the scarcity problem, as your example has shown, so don’t try to wrap your head around understanding it.
so many tolerant feminists virgin shaming the shit out of this WHITE MALE TEARS DUDE BRO OMG LOOK AT THIS VIRGIN BETA HAHAHAHA. now back to the next article whining about why men are becoming assholes all of a sudden.
“ spent a few slutty years” wow you make it sound so easy. as if you just.. opened an app or went to a bar and things just *happened*.
Sadly, you have put yourself in the ~5% of women that can actually comprehend how absurd height-ism is while we are uplifting/supporting/MAINSTREAMING THE F_CK out of these HAES/Body Positive women making excuses for why they can’t loose some weight.
Hey bro-ess, we already DO shame the short men. They don’t even deserve the fat, ugly women anymore, they just deserve to pay taxes so fat women can be some average dude’s on-the-side one night stand slump-breaker and then go onto to be “empowered” single moms deserving of respect and adoration.
Why would any one in their right mind expect a man to settle for a woman who is flat chested, fat, smells bad, hairy, has nasty cellulite and bad teeth? Oh yeah, “Body Positive” progressive rags like this one who have NO PROBLEM pumping out article after article CRITICAL of the men adhering to ACTUAL STANDARDS while…
Yeah, but you seem to forget that no one cares about your man-feels, sorry dudebro :( Now please line up so we can milk those salty male tears.
So glib and poignant, and I bet you even like to pretend you care about mental health and suicide in your public life for the do-good-feels.
That’s never stopped them before.
Stop right there shitlord! This kind of nuance will NEVER fly here! Now let us get back to roasting men for trying to be sweet and talking to their lover in bed. Imagine if they rolled over and went to sleep without so much as a grunt after sex. It’s as if the writer and her fans WANT their men to be detached as soon…
The oppressive #patriarchy takes flight. When will NASA involve a more feminine-inspired biology in their design choices? Aerodynamics be damned.
Your comment will not be approved as it does not exhibit the required respect for the Queen. Please re-think your support for our Goddess-Empress Hillary before posting on Jezebel.
So valid criticism isn’t a thing, huh? You should get on to the forums at Rotten Tomatoes and Meta Critic and explain this ASAP, and we can stop one-star ratings tomorrow!
Also, while the duitiful punters try to imply that they were never being sexist, notice the literal 2nd comment in this thread has a classic “Male Tears” gif before gender was even brought up! Meanwhile, the first comment was a crude and dehumanizing reference to masturbation. Ironic misandry FTW! This thread confirms…
“Guys?” “GUYS?!!!” CHECK YOUR PRIVILEGE! I will have you know I am a genderfluid pansexual transwomyn! My pronouns are they/them. Also, I meant to say #Pastramiarchy, not #Patriarchy. I will wait until Daniel Tosh makes another stupid rape joke THAT IS ABSOLUTELY NEVER FUNNY!!! (except when Amy Schumer or Broad City…
Remember, it’s about ethics in Personal Essay journalism. Stop colluding with misogynistic internet shitlords to bring down Brenna’s courageous work. #xoJaneGate