Yes. Thank you. At least a few of us aren't too steeped in rape culture to see what this really was.
Yes. Thank you. At least a few of us aren't too steeped in rape culture to see what this really was.
I'm sorry, but having been on the awful end of this, your account sounds suspiciously vague in your favor.
Totally. Worse yet, my ex sexually assaulted me in a similar manner, so this episode was hella triggering for me. My ex pinned me down by sitting on my chest, which was worse than what Adam did on the show, but otherwise it was essentially the same scene. The people aggressively defending this as "not legally rape"…
What I say is true, and you would see that if you took the time to Google this guy. As for it being "weird," we all have our theories as to why some outlets continue to give him a platform, while other online spaces and IRL organizations have banished him.
<3 Patrick Stewart.
This story has been told countless times around here. You can Google it for the full details - and it's worth doing so - but for starters, he tried to murder his ex-gf (a story he told in a revoltingly narcissistic manner, and which he attempted to sanitize as an "accident" until the full truth finally came out), he…
Yeah, there are many more reasons to despise him. Also, he cleaned up that blog post - it's worth Googling and reading more to get the full story.
Hmmm... you're giving me ideas......
Setting aside my extreme distaste for this author...
Not sure about this study, but as a thin (and average-looking) woman with relatively large breasts, I can vouch for attracting far more than my share of sexist, objectifying assholes.
Meh. I haven't seen that pattern in my friend circles, but I wouldn't be surprised if conservative men are more drawn toward what they see as a "traditional, feminine" hourglass figure.
I'm so very sad about DV still being kept so hush hush. I didn't know that was also the case with rape, but that makes sense, given how they (don't) address DV. My parents are from rural areas in the former Yugo, and my father is a violent monster. It makes me very sad that I had to grow up, escape home, and then go…
"I grew up in a rich suburb."
It's called an "oxygenating peel." The first time I had it done, I had a LOT of peeling for a few days, and several pimples surfaced, but after less than week, my skin was clearer than ever before, and it even glowed for a few days. I was also able to use sunscreen and moisturizer for the first time ever without…
I appreciate your response to my comment. I think anecdotal experience is relevant and can lead to interesting dialogue, as long as it's framed as anecdotal and *not* projected onto all of humanity.
What an ignorant and offensive statement. If you're trying to be helpful, you're failing miserably. Good for you if you are happy with your skin and don't need to put "shit" on it, but frack off with the self-righteous shaming of other people's skin care and beauty routines.
Why, so you can parade some more of your gaslighting ways?!
Interesting. Thanks for sharing that. I'm surprised that wasn't highlighted.