I suspect the verdict and sentence have already been written, but hoping against hope for a miracle deliverance here.
I suspect the verdict and sentence have already been written, but hoping against hope for a miracle deliverance here.
Counterpoint: 77 years of being a racist piece of shit is more than he deserved.
Wow. Turned out...fair? Im suprised.
This is obviously because a Kotaku article mentioned that Nintendo games can be emulated
Alternate solution: Fire Sweeny into the sun.
My morning ritual now includes making my morning tea and logging on to the internet to read stories about Republicans dying from COVID with a smile.
SEVEN cops. Some of whom drew their guns.
There is not and the family of the murder victim now have their lives upended again too while the actual murderer went free. That’s the ugly picture when cops and DAs play games with justice. Lives are ruined.
Cher Scarlett, an ex lead on the software side in 2015-2016, says she tried to contact Morhaime about harassment she received and was reprimanded for it (not by him), and now believes he was kept in the dark (by upper management?) after talking with him about it at length today.
Things this rotten aren’t invisible. Either he knew and chose to do nothing, or he chose not to see it. Either way, he didn’t ‘fail’ them. He *chose* to be part of the problem rather than the solution.
So either he knew and did nothing about it
I never ever get tired of RWNJ self pwnage.
Is it just me, or do the graphics look like they need another 6-12 months in the oven, especially the battle sequences
Good God...fuck David Cage, what an absolutely phenomenal piece of shit and, apparently, a big ol’ crybaby to boot.
“Cage allegedly cried on the stand, stomping his feet, screaming about interferences to his business and damage to his honor, and eventually storming out of the court room altogether.”
“de Fondaumière reportedly looked at the judges and asked, “But I’m not under oath, so can I lie?””
“Listen, can anyone argue for ‘redemption’ possibilities for people like this fucking nasty old horse vagina?”
Listen, can anyone argue for ‘redemption’ possibilities for people like this fucking nasty old horse vagina? Because she’s gotta be late 50's or in her 60's, at least, and there is clearly no way anyone is going to change her mind, she openly stated, “Yes, I am racist, I choose my own people.”
She was obviously wrong, because Cake is great, and their I Will Survive cover is excellent.