
I don’t listen to her, either, but it doesn’t bother me for other people to like her music. It’s funny when people feel the need to make sure everyone knows they don’t like something. It’s like, ok, who cares? It’s even more funny when it’s not enough for someone to say that they don’t like something - they need to

You live in the countryside like me, you have to be prepared for all kinds of shit like this. Bobcats will attack your car as well, so the game warden will forgive you if you run over one.

They are supposed to under obstruction of justice laws, but it hardly ever happens.

Anybody who knowingly, willfully, and illegally, withheld evidence from their attorneys is guilty of kidnapping and should go to jail. They were cops and lawyers.  They knew the rules and chose to break them.  Not just lose their job or lose a civil lawsuit. Go. To. Jail.

[cops] issued a statement saying Davis’s family is “devastated by the possibility that nobody will be held accountable for his murder.”

I always love that photo. One, for the perturbed look on his face when he’s pissed.  And two, for showing he doesn’t even know how to fold his arms like a human.

They had a chance to rid themselves of Trump, but chose not. (Again)

The infighting has already begun. There have already been talks of a split. Former GOP voters are leaving by the thousands.

Breaking News : Republicans are full of shit.

People tell me it's petty and that I should let bygones be bygones. I don't listen to those people. Every single person who fell under the puzzling thrall of trump needs to be dragged as much as possible. I don't think they ever deserve to be let off the hook for what they've enabled 

He’s quite the statesman, isn’t he?

That’s the problem with stupid people. They are often wrong about things, because they are stupid.

They figured the numbers would end up in their favor.  The absolute disregard for human life was evident, but so was their approval of their base’s misinformation idiocy, courtesy of Faux News constantly painting a very wrong narrative on the whole thing.

“There is nothing for us to rework. We are going to have to build everything from scratch,” one source said.

Trump’s administration didn’t have a vaccine plan, but they did have a COVID plan.

That’s it right there. They looked low rent and they didn’t succeed, so to Trump, they are all losers.

Didn't you hear that Trump was disappointed because you all looked so low rent? You made him look bad, so don't expect any pardons unless you have cash. Even then, don't expect him to follow through. He'll conveniently forget who you were as soon as the money is laundered.

So much winning . . . A trip to the unemployment office, a broken face, public shame.  . . That's a lot of W's

Imagine losing your job after being outed as a racist supporter of domestic terrorism, all because your rebellious daughter decided she was too woke for whiteness.

I am glad kids this generation are more woke and tired of the boomer bullshit and she is a great kid who I hope will become a great adult for being aware of reality unlike her shit mother, she can go fuck herself with a hypocrisy stick.