
And pick Doritos as the ultimate Super Bowl snack food. Don't leave that out.

After "oh yeah," the undercover officer gave the signal for the arrest team to move in and arrest Anthony.

Welker: [becomes concerned that the Seahawks will, in turn, target him after his multiple concussions]

Good. I'm glad you liked it. Glad. You. Liked. It.

It was Brett Favre. Brett Favre fucked the footballs, and they lost air. With his tiny penis.

It turns out that surveillance video captured an individual inserting a tiny pin-shaped cylinder, no more than 0.75" in length and 0.02" in diameter into the footballs, resulting in the loss of air. No surprise, then, that the person of interest is Brett Favre.

Straight up, that roof looks like a butthole.

He was aiming for a full stadium but he missed...

Given Ohioans bizarre love for Skyline Chili, I'm assuming that's a typo and it should say "slop".

My wife will occasionally watch this Girls show. Sometimes I can't take it, so I sneak into our basement and unplug the router, which results in no TV signal.

Jesus Christ. Stop trying to defend/rationalize/contextualize this piece of shit magazine.

Well, SEC fans certainly aren't happy, but then people from the South generally preferred things back in the BCs era.

...as if you deserved to be rewarded for scheduling all your nonconference games against the West Appomattox Lamed Orphans.

this is my day job.

I have just watched "Crankin' My Hog" five times in a row and tears are streaming down my face.

Cheer up, bear! We'll be naming our Bear of the Year later today! (It will not be a Chicago Bear.)

The hero we need and tbqh, deserve

It was even uglier in the stands as the Memphis and BYU coaches' wives carried on the violence. outnumbered 6 to 1 the Memphis wives didn't stand a chance

I'm just imagining the guy selling this thing in a parking lot.