
You're not far off Tom. There's actually another panda outside of the frame that eats shoots and leaves.

"I'm gettin too endangered for this shit!"

This also happened:

"OH GOD. It's like I'm right back at the '97 Masters."

Deadspin is not your freshman philosophy seminar. Just FYI.

The St. Louis Rams appreciate the gesture on behalf of the black police officers of St. Louis, and would like to cordially invite both of them to an upcoming home game.

I have just one question.

"Football is reflexive. You program your body to perform certain functions through repetition, increasing the likely hood of pulling them off in a game. It's not unlike training your mage to level 5 and developing the skills that come with such classification. A DPS caster who specializes in spells and burst damage

visit to deadspin thwarted by 17 black friday ads.

I hope they find the guy, because nobody deserves this to be said about them:

"Repeat forever" would be a good tagline for Destiny.

This video had more story than the game did.

I'm a Cardinals fan and I wouldn't be caught dead in that shirt. Mostly because I'm white.

So I guess you could say Adam's... career is over?

Boehner called them Barbarians, but there are too many ranged fighters for them to be of the Barbarian class. They're most likely Rogues or Fighters with Firearm Proficiency.

When they start getting Wizards involved, then I'll worry.

I'm pretty sure if Destiny's "endgame" didn't consist of a stale, eternal grind for engrams that only give you a SMALL CHANCE of getting worthwhile loot you'll actually use - by replaying the same, stale missions over and over again, I might add - then perhaps some players will feel less inclined to resort to these

Oh you mean doing strike after strike getting equipment that is worse than what i have? SO MUCH FUN!

I think we'd already established that Jameis doesn't understand the meaning of "no."

I've started to notice the people that say "Don't tell me how to raise my kids!" are the exact people that need to be told how to raise their kids.