
The Vikings could always pull a switcharoo, which Adrian Peterson believes to be beating the hell out of a wallaby.

"Fuck this guy."
"Yeah , fuck him."
"I hate this fucking guy."
"Fuck. Him."
"Meh. He's okay."

You have to stop posting these things. Forever.

"Exculpatory? Listen, firstly of all, they are still married. And B, I just don't see how you can see her as culpatory."

Seem? Certain people? I got news for you. Saying, "maybe women should form their own studio and make their pink games for girls" doesn't seem sexist to certain people. It is sexist as an objective fact. You imply that women should be segregated into their own studio because they and what they want are not "main

Obligatory you say? Then I shall share mine!

So he's remaining aloof-a?

is not just obligatory, is highly necessary :)

As am I!! Cheers!

I too own a tri-color pembroke and he too likes to play dress-up


The unwanted cupcakes were then shipped to the SEC where they were forced to play Auburn 4 times.

That's a shame, after rewatching the Ohio state game it's pretty obvious he's the only guy on the team that can knock some body down with out being dragged for 8 yards first.

Ejected Chiefs' Fan: Don't taze me, bro.

I agree! Mostly because I just wanted an excuse to post a picture of mine :3

I think he is literally going to make the exact same argument he did on the show and not even realize it.

go fuck yourself.

Pictured: Alabama's 2014 schedule

"Want bigotry? Just water it!"

Boy, that is not as fun as I thought it would be.