I approve of drinking all of these. At the same time.
I approve of drinking all of these. At the same time.
Dunno if you have played this one or if this is even what you're talking about but this game does have an AC-130 that you can operate one of the side guns (one is a large caliber cannon and the other is a mini gun) as it circles around the map at a really high altitude.
I noticed while playing Battlefield 4 that it mistakes "GOD FUCKING DAMN IT." for "Record that". Needless to say, I have accidentally stored a bunch of 30 second clips of me being shot in the dick.
I assume trying to judge someone's height while they're raping you isn't an exact science.
Do you really expect people to buy the notion that a 5 star, top quarterback recruit in the nation is a no-name freshman?
Use one-click shipping. I had the same problem.
I kept getting an error when I tried to go to the shopping cart. If you're having the same problem, use One Click purchasing. It was able to process my order that way. You might need Amazon Prime, not entirely sure.
Thanks for the heads up. I got an Amazon credit card specifically to pick a new Xbox but was bummed that I was too late. Looks like I'll be trying to get one right before work, just in time for a long vacation.
Growing up on Lake Erie, fried fish was 85% of our caloric intake from March till about November. I say this only because I highly recommend Drake's fish batter.
Winston was the top rated quarterback recruit in the nation, far from a "no name" freshman. I am sure you probably knew that, though.
A "Family Tree" of American Whiskeys and Bourbons.
Let's be honest: you and your cousin are going to stab each other to death over the result of the Iron Bowl long before you get a chance to have a nervous breakdown.
Next thing you're going to tell me is that liquid feces laced with cinnamon and thrown over spaghetti is "fucking not-chili".
I fucking hate myself for Googling that first.
Everything you need to know about Rambo in 30 seconds.
Well, she is young. Thankfully, she will grow out of this when she gets ol-
Well, this just confirms every suspicion about Incognito that I had: he is the type of guy that wears gym shorts to the bar.
As far as a map of Ohio is concerned, you could probably just make a black, soulless spot where Cincinnati is located.
*edit* I am in idiot.