Are there any restrictions on transporting feces across interstate lines?
Are there any restrictions on transporting feces across interstate lines?
Salted Caramel or Blueberry & Sweet Corn. Just shout that at people in line and save them the trouble.
This is another Cincinnati fallacy.
The people of Ohio see nothing wrong with inserting it into their mouths, which perhaps tells you everything you need to know about the Buckeye State.
I was thinking more along the lines that there are better ways to draw attention to things that don't require you to be in the position to be mauled by bear or 18 wheeler.
These people walking cross country to raise awareness for X (see also: man dribbling soccer ball to Brazil) are the pedestrian version of Grizzly Man.
I am close enough to walk there and back to my house before I even start on the cone.
My dad died of sepsis from sort of a freak knee injury. Did not look like a great way to die.
Did this random dude expect these university presidents to wait with baited breath for Karl fucking Idsvoog to contact them for an interview or do you think they filed this away next to my emails that insist all football games instead be settled by having actual animal mascots fight on a tiny facsimile of a football…
This seems pretty flimsy. I was forced to watch A Midsummer Night's Dream as a freshman and managed to get through the whole thing without calling Titania a "donkey fucker".
This seems pretty flimsy. I was forced to watch A Midsummer Night's Dream as a freshman and managed to get through the whole thing without calling Titania a "donkey fucker".
What is the point of celery? And if you say "texture" I will fucking lose it, so help me God.
Well, that was embarrassing.
The Curious Case of Benjamin's Buttocks.
In one sense, Americans (in general) and northerners (in particular) have appropriated the word "Yankee" for themselves, thereby robbing the word of it's power to harm, much like African Americans have done with the ubiquitous "n-word".
Doesn't the fact that people are telling you to get through the first three seasons before it "picks up" (basically half the entire series) sort of invalidate the argument it's the best series ever?
I am sure the 32 total dollars they earn from the 4 people still playing this piece of shit will go a long way to changing lives.
Hmmmm, I would say they nailed the dead, lifeless, doll eyes.
I mean, can't you just do one or the other? Do you have to hit him with a brick then stab him?