
Trail of ACL Tears

Companies need to stop using Kickstarter to fund things they're too afraid to invest their own capital in.

"I don't see the problem."

Later in the game, after a few vodka and Red Bulls, the man returned to open the bottle by waiting until it turned around to order a drink and then sucker punched it for talking to his girlfriend. The bottle fell and split open on the ground more than he intended. He would later plead down to a simple battery and

Used for Glue > Travel by Telephone

Splinter the Dragon

Even a five year old with a brain tumor is more reliable than Trent Richardson.

What about motorized bar stool racing? Something I would of never heard of had someone not been pulled over for a DUI on one in my white trash hometown of Newark, Ohio.

ESPN comments section just started requiring people to start signing in with their Facebook profile. If you're gonna threaten to rape someone or call the president a nigger, make sure you stick your face right next to that nugget.

I thought a pikey was a gypsy, at least that is what I gathered from Snatch.

I'll see you in hell, chocolate levels.

Now playing

In a world full of rape, drugs, gang bangs, full frontal male nudity, and all other sorts of degradation, this scene still made me feel the most awkward.

I would eat Popeye's literally every single day if the ones in my city weren't located in the sketchiest parts of town.

I tried to play EVE once and literally couldn't figure out how to leave the cockpit.

There has GOT to be something about Call of Duty. The things I have yelled while playing it, the obscenities I've strung together...defy explanation. I'm 30 fuckin' years old and can count the amount of times I've been seriously upset at video game on one hand. I have owned and played some of the most frustrated 8bit

All those home runs and he still lives at home with his parents. He's a modern day Brady Anderson.

Why can't a piano fall on Macklemore?

Barney's film had heart but football in the groin had a football in the groin.

I haven't really watched the series but in the books sex is just another way to get, use, or abuse power, like anything else. The sex is generally pretty unsexy.