
I find it more curious that, for all the reporters in the country, the only one to see it is some local weekend no name and her account goes against pretty much every other single one so far.

Rumblin', bumblin', stumblin' through puberty.

I made black friends the same way I made white friends: by being friendly?

The problem is that Battlefield 3 sucks on consoles because of the limitation on the number of players. I would much rather play BF3 but I play Call of Duty because I don't have to wait 5-10 minutes to find action. If I wasn't so terrible at FPS on PC, I would definitely play it on my computer.

The wings were available in three different sauces: mild, hot, and Rohypnol.

Can someone tell me what that old Japanese style of art is they use in the tattoos? I've never been into Japanese culture but that art style has always fascinated me.

You're laughing but EA has already said they're not going even going to pay gun companies to use their weapon's likeness but, hey, they're still going to put them in the games anyway.

Oh, so you mean EA has been recycling the same game over and over even before the the last two generations?

We used to play a drinking game in college. It was called "Drink that beer. Okay, now drink that beer. Now that beer".

The entire "amateur" athletics system needs over hauled though, and this comes from an alum and fan of one of the biggest and best football schools in the nation. I don't think the short term money is anything compared to the potential long term ramifications of the lawsuit.

Trail of Deals.


All those athletes want is a slice of that pie. Rather than give it to them, the NCAA is declaring that no one can have any pie.

Best part is if you actually paid attention to Manziel play, you'd realize he was average against every decent team he played with the exception of that Alabama game. He was straight up bad against LSU and Florida and mediocre against Ole Miss and MSU. He got something like 1/4 of his touchdowns against the two FCS

Texas football circles knew about Manziel way before even signed with Texas A&M and knew he was a potential headache.

The correct way to phrase this question would of been "WHERE WALLACE AT?" .

I stand corrected. He was paid to make the game and now wants people to pay him so that he can get the license, presumably to make more money? That only sounds slightly less greedy to me. It also seems fairly implausible that a company with 70+ company doesn't have that sort of money.

This shit fucking baffles, the idea that people in places of fairly high authority constantly reject the use of technology on some sort of dumb ass principle that being ignorant is a badge of honor. I see people on a daily basis who don't even know the name of the programs they use every day, eight hours a day, so

I only lack an Android phone and a Linux set-up.

So, if I understand this correctly...he had the rights, then sold them. Now wants people to give him money to buy them back. That is pretty fucking delusional. This is an actual company that makes games, correct? You're telling me they don't have a $100,000 in capital? Get out of my face with this horse shit.