
I work at government building and EVERYONE gets walked out by State Patrol no matter what the reason. An intern who's time had ran out that no one noticed was escorted out. Even the blind guy and his helper dog that filled up the vending machines in the building got a police escort out of the building.

I actually nailed by bestman speech. Kept it under a minute, had a couple laughs, transitioned in to a tear jerker. Toast, ovation, everyone gets to the buffet line.

What? You didn't enjoy the shitty career mode or the pointless coaching carousel or the broken player tendancies?

I would much rather they fix issues that have been plaguing the game for ten years now rather than stick in superfluous bullshit that people will try once and then never touch again, both in regards to players playing it and developers ever returning to update or fix it.

Something something half marathon holy shit I love Bear vs. Shark.

I personally don't give a shit for any announcer, in any sport, period. That being said, it's weird how divisive Gus Johnson is. People either talk about him like they would let him narrate the events as you bang your wife or, conversely, what we have here. Are the people here that dislike him mostly just because he

When ever I lament about not having enough money, I just think "Hey, if I were rich, I would just own a bunch of useless shit I would never use anyway, like a 15,000 dollar Sega Saturn". It really puts things in perspective.

Have my associates in graphic design, finishing up my bachelors in web design, subscription to Adobe Cloud, a fancy Wacom tablet, and about 30 different books on using Illustrator, Photoshop, typeface, and various sorts of design ideas and projects...and this geriatric using Excel makes better stuff than I can ever

Oh god, it's starting again.

SimCity is quite possibly my worst gaming purchase ever. What an utter piece of shit. I played it for one night, two months ago, and haven't touched it since. And every time I read a new quote from someone at Maxis, I can't believe how fucking clueless the developers are which some how just makes it that much worse.

The gay joke in Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon is harmless. Or is it? Yes, it is.

From the Soul Hunter Warhammer 40K books.

Only EA could manage to use the Newtown shootings to make the gun industry sympathetic.

Man, it's been a big year for me getting riled up over consumer rights in relation to video games. Between this and the SimCity disaster, there really needs to be more culpability put on game developers. I mean, it's a 10 billion dollar industry and there is really nothing that protects the consumer what so ever.

+1 on the music choice. Between this and the Recovering Fatass Soundtrack, I am starting to feel like I am back in college, except no one is telling me to turn that shit off at a party.

I just turned 30 this year and probably play video games more than ever. It's a combination of things. I don't go out to the bar as much, I finally have a decent job with a fair amount of discretionary income, most of my friends and I live in separate parts of the country (which means I go out less than I did and play

I am of the opinion that people pirate because things aren't reasonably available. Obviously, there are some people that will pirate anything and you'll never reach them but the majority of people don't mind paying for things.

This is the most appropriate use of this .gif I could ever think of.

You know, a lot of people at work (and in this same thread actually) have said the same thing. When I was little I had no concept of how to use potions or equip gear or anything like that. I feel like I should go back and give it a second chance.

Then I picture that fucking one eyed hopping frog thing and I think how

I just had to youtube it to remind myself what it sounded like and it gave me something similar to a 'Nam flashback.