
Kirk, considering it's been almost two months and the game is still a complete fucking disaster, would you update your "Not yet" to a firm "NO" if you reviewed it again?

Man, I was nine when I bought that game. It might of been a great game but it was a horrible, horrible purchase for a nine year old.

Also: "Remember your mantra: zKPcAvt1iEQoFzwhAxjA"

Worst game I have ever purchased, finally ousting Faxanadu from it's twenty one year reign.

Have the Adeptus Mechanicus prepare the Rites of Awakening on my Kia Soul.

Terrified or aroused?

I hesitate to call anyone names based on their game preference, but this is one of the very few times where, if someone says they enjoy this game, that I question pretty much their entire opinion following that statement.

Getting flash banged seven times before being shot until you can't go on any longer...I know the feeling.
*goes back to playing Call of Duty*

I graduated like seven years ago so I am really out of the loop: is "Tour De Franzia" just a classier name for "Slap the Bitch"?

Please don't lump Columbus in with the rest of Ohio.

I agree, this is fucking awesome.

It's a misconception to think we have ever been safe. I will gladly take the one in five hundred million chance I get killed by a bomb compared to a hundred years ago when you had a one in a thousand chance to get killed just going to work. Shit, there are probably a lot of people who would take those odds in exchange

Got stoked about the free beta key but then I got to this point:

Who's the Bossk?

This is a real job? My guidance counselors failed me.

I think the only reason that his first attempt was accurate was because his hometown had really fucked up traffic which, ironically, is the only thing the new SimCity correctly simulates.

She finished up about 15 minutes before the explosion. Apparently, reception was really bad for everyone there and so we had to go by her official time to double check she would of been clear before we saw anything from her on social media.

I've been checking updates all day to see how a friend was doing in the marathon. It was sickening seeing the "Good luck!" and "Have fun!" messages turn into "Has anyone heard from her?" and "Are you okay?".

Budlight Dwyer.

Like you, Owen, I've been a huge college football fan for most of my life, more so than any other sport. The older I get, the harder it is for me to come to terms with the sport I love balanced against what I see as the greed and hypocrisy of the NCAA and the schools that run it.