
I assume a lot of people have looked at a Jackson Pollack painting and go "What is this shit? Some kid dumped a bunch of paint on a canvas? This isn't art".

This is pretty common. Hitting a guy directly with a piece of equipment does a small amount of damage. If you played one of the previous incarnations with the Last Stand perk that left you crippled with a minuscule amount of health instead of just dying, you could bonk someone with a tactical and kill them. Same thing

Black Ops 2 multiplayer is unplayable and the word has spread pretty quickly. I enjoyed both Black Ops and MW3 immensely, but gave up on this game in less than a week because the multiplayer is so busted at the moment. I'm ashamed to admit this is the first time in my 25+ years of gaming that I got so frustrated in



Look, I am as racist as the next Grand Cyclops, but even I havent learned this stereotype. How do I, the average hateful bigoted fan, use this information practically? Do I shout entirely unreasonsable return dates at injured minorities?

I reported so many people in the original Black Ops for having swastikas and/or dicks (often a combination) in their little picture.

I've already seen it three times watching the Iowa/Northwestern game. God. Why? WHY?!

If you're like me and get squeamish and think "Ugh, do I really wanna see a guy breaking his arms and legs?", do yourself a favor and watch it anyway. In this case, it's all about the journey, not the destination.


I can't unsee that guy's arm getting broken.

I just can't think of any practical use I would get out of an iPad, regardless of price or apps or retina displays I don't think I could justify buying one (and I justify weird purchase all the time. I just bought a huge Bowie knife. Why? Why not, I ask). The two hundred bucks I spent on my Kindle Fire is some of the

I tried to play and couldn't figure out what to do once I created a character. I felt so stupid.

Just what I was about to post. Amazing.

I worked at the A&F home office for a few years in college. We had to wear flip flops every day in my section of the company, which was a model store (if you're unfamiliar with the concept, it's basically what the ideal store would look and operate like in a mall, sans costumers). I can sympathize with the cold toes,

I was kind of unsure whether to include kickoff and punt returns because in years past you could break them. This year I just have no luck. I'll give your tip a try, but if I end up muffing a bunch of kicks I will forever curse your name.

It doesn't even seem like it would be that hard to do. I know that sounds like the typical gamer rant: "C'MON, HOW HARD CAN IT BE?". But coaches in real life don't have telepathy, they make calls based on personnel and down & distance.

I have never owned a Playstation, so I can't comment on the pre-2003 version of NCAA (which was the first one released for Xbox if I remember correctly). Between the original Xbox and 360 though, yeah, they play fairly identical.

Changing the audio isn't going to change the feeling of "sameness". The game has played almost the exact same for almost 12 years now with some of the same problems.

He has won two conference titles ever, one of those was gifted when the officials gave Texas with an extra timeout against Nebraska in the Big 12 title game. No one does less with more.