
I would appreciate this sort of detail more if they had the game to the point where it's near perfect. Unfortunately, the game has played almost the exact same way for almost 10 years and you can still find many of the same errors and bugs that you could on the original Xbox release.

Do Buckeyes fans hate Michigan enough to change who they vote for purely based on the candidate's support for University of Michigan athletics?

His opening monologue will simply be 20 minutes of him poking you in the arm and going "Is this funny? Get it? Eh? Get it? Casey Anthony killed her baby! Whatever, you're a Republican".

I liked everything about the game at first, but what frustrated me was having to wait till level 30 to do any dungeons. It started to really drag in the 20s with very few new skills and no grouping and I finally just got bored around level 25 or so and stopped.

Yeah, I don't have Madden, but the NCAA games have atrocious refereeing, especially in regards to plays being in bounds.

Guild Wars has superior solo play but I still dig WoWs dungeons which is the main draw for me. I also havent made it to 30 yet in Guild Wars to do dungeons as I got bored of solo play in my mid 20s.

Best part of hating on Glenn Beck is that it doesn't matter which side of the political spectrum you fall on. He is a fear mongering, race baiting hypocrite equally repugnant and worthless regardless of who you vote for.

It's a perfectly cromulent word.

I have had an Xbox since it launched but have contemplated getting a PS3 to play with friends but, yeah, I can't justify a second console without getting it at a lower price point even though I can afford it.

Sooooo...am I supposed to fap to this or...?

I am by no means the moral police, and I dont ever intend to have kids, but I find it pretty unreasonable to abandon your family so you can pursue your middling career for another few years. I am sure there are a large portion of parents who had their dreams and career aspirations derailed by their family, but

This is basically what I was gonna say. I was pissed off that I had to see the Tulane player go down earlier, then they did it again with this play. I just despise ESPN.

Now playing

When Arkansas fired Petrino, I figured they were going to have a rough season. As an Ohio State fan, I saw first hand how easy it is for a team to crumble when you have a really good head coach disappear from the sidelines.

Yeah, and ESPN just made me watch another one from the Arkansas game. Fuck these guys.

Ugh. ESPN cut into the Ohio State game with this. And, no, I wasn't upset that I missed 20 seconds of my precious football game, I just found it gross and voyeuristic. I could of understood a little update, but rewatching the hit in slow-motion followed by the dude being put into the ambulance was something I could

John, can you think of any other journalistic field where this would fly? Say, if NBC posted an entire story from ABC or the AP and just replaced their names with "sources"? I'm not up to date on my ethos.

CLOP: reducing the majesty of a stallion in full gallop down to a drunk guy doing the "Running Man".

I would wager that 99.9% of people would take a couple million dollars even if the qualifier was the multitude of post-career traumas NFL players (and other professional athletes) contend with. Even if people knew within, say, a 90% certainty they would end up with life altering injuries in exchange for the money,

I don't really build up brand loyalty to many things, but Logitech is one of them. I'd never be in the market for an eighty dollar mouse, but literally everything I've ever bought from this has worked wonderfully, straight out of the box. The universal remote I purchased from them literally change my (quality of) life.