
Where are the outrage articles Kotaku? HUH? WHERE AREE THEY!? You did this with Tomb Raider. THE SAME THING. MS helped "fund" development of an existing multiplat game, making it an exclusive. And you were outraged. Sony does THE SAME EXACT THING. Where are the articles?...............

Sony: we have a new 3rd party exclusive.

That's called "thursday" here in Anchorage.

The GTA 5 girl doesn't look anything like a washed up cokehead celebrity trying to remain relevant.

Mojang without Notch is just not Mojang any more. I'm all for Microsoft to strike a deal with Mojang but it should be a partnership rather than a full takeover.

All they have to do is get rid of the notrils and lips. and BAM a million times better.

The waste from fountains are meh compared to grass lawns everyone has.
the same ones everyone hates to maintain because our climate isn't suited for it and we've had to use drought resistant grass but people still manage to kill it anyways. Why don't we just listen to nature?

Water evaporates, especially in fountains

You know what has always disgusted me about Los Angeles in particular? All the fountains. You walk around downtown LA, and there are fountains everywhere. For a civilization that is literally sucking every bit of water it can from anywhere it can, it seems to be an opulent and wasteful use of a precious resource.

Wrong on both accounts, sorry.

It has just as many games as any other console ever released this early in its life cycle.

I received an Xbox One unexpectedly for Christmas (I was planning on waiting until everything stabilizes before jumping into next gen), but I gotta say... I have been nothing but impressed.

How did you get Kinect Sucks out of that video?

I love you, Emma Stone. Unless Jennifer Lawrence shows up, tho. Just sayin'.

I'd buy it. I'd gladly pay 30 or 40 bucks to have all of Morrowind, quests and all, updated with Skyrim's engine and creation kit.

Samurai Champloo is just one of the most stylish animated series I've ever come across. I love the mixture of Japanese style and urban culture.


Used to work for FedEx IT. This time of year was hell but should be dying off about now. Congrats to everyone who survived another peak.

Typical Remedy taking a generic third person shooter and making it awesome by using clever-as-hell twists on the gameplay.