
Basic, reasonable expectations of non-racist human decency?

Only a matter of time before some 4chan board decides to mass-suicide one weekend and ruin everyone’s fun.

Can people just calm down and play an amazing game. I’m sure it’s more fun to actually play the game then count every single polygon on the digital tree... seriously it’s getting tiring how common these are becoming now.

PS4 owners should have bought a PC if resolution was their biggest concern. Like lol wut? I'm not saying consoles are bad but if presentation is your setting point then yeah you need a PC - this is known.

You're the one who thinks one console or the other being "better" means you need to drone on like an intellectually vapid asshat.

If there is a Ninja Holiday shouldn't it be more ... unexpected?

Fortress Fellout?

"Controller support removed to avoid leveling exploit"

Some people in this thread jokingly have come up with other possible ways to "patch" this but my idea seems to be the easiest: spawn the player facing the wrong way

I wouldn't be surprised if soon you had to input a CAPTCHA code every time you wanted to melee an enemy.

Well, they did kind of patch it already. You get dramatically reduced item drops after a death. Cutting down on XP gains would just penalize people who have a hard time, so they probably won't do that.

Bungie to remove melee attacks in next update

Since I already own it on ps1, ps3 and steam I think I'll pass on this generation....

Where are the outrage articles Kotaku? HUH? WHERE AREE THEY!? You did this with Tomb Raider. THE SAME THING. MS helped "fund" development of an existing multiplat game, making it an exclusive. And you were outraged. Sony does THE SAME EXACT THING. Where are the articles?...............

Sony: we have a new 3rd party exclusive.

The GTA 5 girl doesn't look anything like a washed up cokehead celebrity trying to remain relevant.

Mojang without Notch is just not Mojang any more. I'm all for Microsoft to strike a deal with Mojang but it should be a partnership rather than a full takeover.

All they have to do is get rid of the notrils and lips. and BAM a million times better.

Wrong on both accounts, sorry.