
Maybe it belongs to Gizmodo? It says so right there:

Found the douche that needs to turn every thread into a political discussion!

Found the douche that needs to turn every thread into a political discussion!

What if I’m creating a delicious venison stew?

What if I’m creating a delicious venison stew?

lol.....i did something similar. I used mine as a mold and made one out of fiberglass.

I built a woking version of Captain America’s shield...

two words: Three shells!

“ ... Pull in to the float-through. Grab a sackful of McMuffins. My treat ...”

How do they deal with the grip required to hold 70+ (and eventually 200) pounds?

I swear to gods... if I bought one of these then the first message I get after activating would be a broadcast that says "mY be$t fre1nd's sister makes $14,0000 / month working on/line with G00gle! see how! http://donotclickth.is"

Hi Kerry, this was fun but I'm banning you now. You're welcome to continue your saga on your own personal Kinja.

They'll probably throw in some air pocket thingies too...

What's this? Oculus Riffraff?

Pretty clever idea, although I feel for the 12 people without a Facebook who won't be able to use it.

You forgot the link, spambot. You had one job.

Good job scientists, these potheads are 20 years ahead of you.

They also released a first look at Wonder Woman's plane...

WheetieB, that uses a different principle. But still fun.

I remember doing that to make breakfasts.

Also, did you ever do the one where you take an orange, remove the flesh, and put ground beef inside and plop in the fire. Viola, a slightly seasoned burger bite.

Hahaha man you're right, you got me. Just wait'll my follow-up explaining why you SHOULD stand in line for the Galaxy Gear.