
a frickin laser so I can strap my phone to a frickin shark

I am pretty sure that is Tom Hanks on the plane...maybe before the Castaway crash?

and with that...preppers all over the world are throwing money at this and stocking up

I ran the gas chamber aor basic training units at Ft Dix a long time ago. I was the most hated guy on post.

I want a shirt that powers up when I am working out...the more I sweat..the brighter the light

it is a math problem...maybe it should be the co-effecient...hahahahaha

Wont work on the Land Shark....

so if I order this on Amazon...how big will the cardboard box be that they send it it? or will the box be the kit?

hahahaha...yet another demographic for the x ray...new parents

might help law enforcement with larger scale venues like a marathon...concert...or nascar to clear packages for entry. Now I can drink my beer after it is lit up on an x ray ;)

even something more simple that that. Army ordinance techs could use it to determine what type of material was inside a round. Knowing if there is a liquid or solid inside will determine safe handling procedures.

It could have some great applications. A suitcase is just an example, but if it were able to be used to interrogate possible WMD applications I see it as a useful tool.

I amwaiting for the Google self driving bike

is his what was hiding in the backyard of the Brady Bunch house under all of the astro-turf?

actually my mom is an alcoholic so this kit would do her no good....so there ;P

if they put 2 hands under there the fingers could extend out as the seats

this was done in Lava tubes in Hawaii. Canabis farmers grow fields of thier stuff in the giant underground tubes to stay out of sight

equipped with both an inside and an outside.....I wonder if that is original air in those tires.

all I see is a heavy ass battery pack added into all of the other heavy crap I have on my back