
I’m so tired of hearing both of those names.

Degenerated? It was shit from day 1 — I couldn’t even make it through the first season, and I managed two of Discovery.

I’m.. genuinely surprised. I mean, admittedly you tried for the Apple Watch first, but then did something most Apple fans (not saying you’re an Apple fan here) won’t do: look at the actual situation and pick something that makes sense for that situation, rather than suggesting he just move into the Walled Garden.

What we won:

Respecting Kim’s wishes would be keeping her name out of her mouth. Respect would be to say, “That’s not my place to answer that.” “We worked around some absences.”

I maintain if he survived the end of   Suicide Squad ,then Rick Flagg could too.

Oh my God it looks like the bastard daughter of Mad Max, Archer and the Dukes of Hazzard.

Disney screwed up the ad campaign but it's a good, fun movie.

Damned good film, and I wanted some of the sequels.

This movie (Dredd) deserved all the success :

What made it a great non-ending ending?